微软最新宣布,已经在Windows Insider里,面向测试人员发布了ARM版Win10的x64模拟器。 这就意味着,使用ARM芯片的笔记本用户,以后可以直接安装、运行几乎所有Windows exe应用程序,而不必再被兼容性问题劝退了。 此前,在Surface Pro X这样的ARM设备上,Windows只能运行原生的ARM应用,以及32位x86应用,限制了许多应用...
应用生态的支持对于终端消费者而言至关重要,而原生应用的支持能提供更好的性能和更低的功耗。微软为了进一步推动Windows on Arm原生应用的支持,在Windows 11 on Arm引入了新的Arm64EC (“Emulation Compatible”) 应用程序二进制接口支持,从而能够帮助开发人员逐步实现从x64向Arm64架构的应用迁移。微软的Visual ...
Microsoft hasfinally revealedthat support for x64 emulation is coming to Windows on ARM. Right now, Windows on ARM devices can run native 32-bit ARM and 64-bit ARM apps, but they can only emulate x86-32 apps. That has meant devices like the Microsoft Surface Pro X have been unable to ...
Traditionally, the Windows operating system is run on devices supported by Intel-based processors, with most Windows apps built to support an x86 or x64-based architecture.We're seeing Arm-based devices become increasingly popular, however, due to their pow...
据悉,ARM64EC 的“EC”,是“仿真兼容”(Emulation Compatible)的缩写。 其设想是提供一个二进制接口(ABI),以便开发者使用 x64 和 ARM代码构建应用程序。 这意味着 ARM 代码可在 Windows 11 设备上原生运行,而其它特定于 x64 的代码则会通过仿真方式运行。
redistributable preview(这两个组件见Introducing x64 emulation in preview for Windows 10 on ARM ...
Microsoft today announced the first preview of x64 emulation for Arm PCs, with the feature now available to Windows Insiders in the Dev Channel. That...
Surface Pro X1代(SQ1/16G),目前安装了这些x64应用(其中Sketchable不是,它更新到原生arm64版本了...
据悉,ARM64EC 的“EC”,是“仿真兼容”(Emulation Compatible)的缩写。 其设想是提供一个二进制接口(ABI),以便开发者使用 x64 和 ARM 代码构建应用程序。这意味着 ARM 代码可在Windows11 设备上原生运行,而其它特定于 x64 的代码则会通过仿真方式运行。
Today, we’re releasing the first preview of x64 emulation for ARM64 devices to Windows Insiders in the Dev Channel starting with the Build 21277. It can be installed on Windows 10 on ARM PCs by following the instructionsas explained in this blog post. ...