AppFollower has stopped working Application 1000, and 1026 .NET Runtime errors Application Popup Event ID 56 AppLocker breaks Start Menu (Microsoft.Windows.ShellExperienceHost) AppLocker Error 8009 - srpapi.dll: AppLocker component not available on this SKU. Applying GPO "Do not connect to any ...
Describe the bug We're distributing Windows App Runtime 1.0.3 as part of PowerToys and some users are reporting installation errors. This specific error: microsoft/PowerToys#18021 (comment) It states that "To install this application you need either a Windows developer license or a sideloading-en...
Windows Store App 中挂起时,程序奔溃的问题 昨天在开发windows phone 8.1程序时,发现程序在挂起的时候,会自动退出。通过调试发现错误信息是 System.Runtime.InteropServices.COMException (0x80004005): Unspecified error GetNavigationState doesn't support serialization of a parameter type which was passed to Frame....
Anropa Windows Runtime-API:er Överblick API:er stöds inte i skrivbordsappar Anropa interop-API:er från en .NET-app Använda MSIX-ramverkspaket från din skrivbordsapp Värd för WinRT XAML-kontroller (XAML-öar) Självstudie: Modernisera en WPF-app ...
have you installed the WindowsAppSDK runtime (step 7 in as of the build error in your step 3, you may add this in your project file: <WinUISDKReferences>false</WinUI...
Although you can use most Windows Runtime (WinRT) APIs (seeWindows UWP namespaces) in your C# or C++ desktop app, there are two main sets of WinRT APIs that aren't supported in desktop apps, or that have restrictions: APIs that have dependencies on user interface (UI) features that wer...
formatErrorMessage(); throw std::runtime_error("Failed to open process token. Error code: " + std::to_string(lastError)); } lstrcpy(szAppPath, L"C:/Users/aoxue/AppData/Local/Temp/getadmin.vbs"); //getadmin.vbs regedit.exe
AppModel-Runtime/Admin</Channel><Computer>REDACTED</Computer><Security UserID="S-1-5-21-96414999-1499730031-444732941-29377"/></System><EventData><Data Name="PackageFullName">MicrosoftWindows.Client.CBS_120.2212.4170.0_x64__cw5n1h2txyewy</Data><Data Name="ErrorCode">2</Data>...
首先查看 AppXDeployment-Server 下的日志。 如果错误是由 0x80073CF0 或ERROR_INSTALL_OPEN_PACKAGE_FAILED 引起的,则 AppxpackagingOM 日志中可能出现其他详细信息。还可以在 PowerShell 中使用 Get-AppxLog 命令获取前几个记录的事件。 以下示例显示与最近的部署操作相关联的日志。
For example, you might be catching a system error that you can associate with some aspect of your app's use of the Windows Runtime API, but the message in the original error is vague or isn't using HResult values that could have explained the circumstances better. If you're able to ...