How to run a Windows app on Linux with Wine What you'll need: I'll demonstrate the process on Ubuntu Desktop, but Wine can be installed on most Linux distributions. To install Wine, you'll need a running Linux distribution and a user with sudo privileges. That's it. 1. Open a termi...
该链接可显示Wine for Linux的Windows应用程序兼容数据库:。 Play on Linux Play on Linux是WineHQ for Linux的不错替代品,可以在Linux上运行Windows应用程序。它也是免费的开源程序,因此,我们无需购买任何许可证即可使用Play on Linux。它支持Windows版的众多应用程序和游戏。 为了运行W...
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Home I'd like to learn more about PlayOnLinuxWhat is PlayOnLinux? I'd like to download PlayOnLinuxLatest version : 4.3.4 I'd like to learn how to use PlayOnLinuxWhere can I get help? I'd like to help PlayOnLinuxWhat can I do to help PlayOnLinux's team ?
Proud to have made the top spot onr/linuxon launch day. How it works WinApps was created as an easy, one command way to include apps running inside a VM (or on any RDP server) directly into GNOME as if they were native applications. WinApps works by: ...
裝Linux就行了 idjay1860 ---xr-x 13 其实Windows10内置Linux内核部分内容了,百度Ubuntu on Windows,可以直接安转 德国骨科研究员 ---xrwx 15 UoW根本不能用! 草蛋的验证码 ---xr-- 12 所有的linux软件应该都有win的编译版 南极看见你 ---xr-- 12 移植!!! 唐寅VS小凤 ---xr-- 12 升...
WinApps for Linux Run Windows apps such as Microsoft Office/Adobe in Linux (Ubuntu/Fedora) and GNOME/KDE as if they were a part of the native OS, including Nautilus integration for right clicking on files of specific mime types to open them. Proud to have made the top spot on r/linux...
Install Cygwin and create a Cygwin configuration viaProject->Add VisualGDB Configuration->Windows. Cygwin provides equivalents to most Linux APIs on Windows so once you have ported your app to Linux you can build the Windows version of it without too many changes. ...
今年微软Build 2016大会最让开发人员兴奋的消息之一,就是在Windows上可以原生运行Linux bash,对开发人员来说,这是一个喜闻乐见的消息。 1 安装 你必须安装开发者预览版本,才能使用windows的linux subsystem功能。 1. 首先打开你的Windows 10的设置
x86 Linux 上熟悉的软件,在 ARM 的 WSL 基本上都可以愉快地下载到。 apt install git gedit nautilus dolphin 写到这里就感叹,WoA 原生应用的生态甚至不如它的(ARM的)WSL 上的软件生态好。。。 为什么这么说呢?就比如 qBittorrent ,尽管官方网站上既没有没有 Windows on ARM 也没有 Linux on ARM 的,但是我...