The TV you love for a price you’ll love. Stream live sports, news, popular shows, movies & more. Get customizable channel packages, 120K+ movies and shows On Demand and 50 hours of DVR storage included. No hidden fees and no long-term contracts. Pause
Sling TV for Windows 10 关于 Sling TV for Windows 10 规格 版本: 添加日期: 四月14, 2018 发布日期: 六月27, 2017 价格: Free 操作系统: Windows 10/Mobile, 上周下载: 203 附加要求 适用于Windows 10(x86,x64) 索林电视是你喜欢的直播电视减去你所讨厌的一切 ...
Varslingssidenmed Windows Sikkerhet innstillinger lar deg konfigurere hva slags varsler du vil motta. I Windows Sikkerhet-appenpå PC-en, velgerInnstillinger>Administrere varsler, eller bruker følgende kobling: Varslinger Den er delt inn i tre kategorier: Virus & trusselbeskyttelse– d...
Sling TV is a popular internet platform that offers online TV, on-demand shows, and live streaming services and is compatible with a number of devices. As for Windows users, the app was doing great with a regular X86 desktop version but now is even more accessible with its status as a ...
Entertainment > Sling TV Type: UWP App / WinRT API Latest Version: Updated: January 9, 2019 Package Format: AppxBundle Download Size: 11.66 MB Download App Package File (Latest Version) • Requires OS: Microsoft Windows Desktop (x86) ...
Gå til innstillingene for automatisk filnedlasting Tips!:Vil du ikke ha varsler om automatisk nedlasting av filer? Gå tilvarslingsinnstillingene, og deaktiverautomatiske filnedlastingerunderFå varsler fra disse avsenderne. Gå til varslingsinnstillinger ...
4] Slingpin Slingpin is definitely not one of those regular Pinball games. It features tennis ball cannons, explosives, magnets, lasers, pinball bumpers, and more. This fun arcade/puzzle game involves smashing obstacles and making points. The game is available from the Microsoft Store. 5] Momo...
Sling Media today announced the availability of SlingPlayer Mobile for Windows Mobile Smartphone. Previous mobile-viewing software has been available since March 22, but that app was limited to Pocket PC Windows Mobile devices that were touch-screen enabled. The new software works with non-touch-scr...
4] Sling TV A very popular app, Sling TV offers more than 100 channels involving news, sports, lifestyle, etc. But that isn’t what makes the app popular. It allows streaming on-demand shows and movies. Sling TV offers to stream programs in 18 languages, including Spanish, Hindi, and ...