Download Antivirus - Software for Windows. Download Avast Free Antivirus, SmadAV, Microsoft Security Essentials and more
惡意代碼是由病毒、間諜軟體及其他潛在的垃圾軟體所組成。 Microsoft Defender 防病毒軟體是免費的,並包含在 Windows 中,隨時開啟並持續保護您的電腦免於惡意代碼的威脅。 駭客和詐騙者有時會使用仿冒的反惡意程式碼軟體,欺騙您在電腦上安裝病毒或惡意軟體。 如果您想要瀏覽其他選項,以替代 Windows 電腦上已安裝或由 ...
若要了解有关保护 Windows 设备的详细信息,请参阅借助 Windows 安全中心始终获得保护。 重要说明:如果你安装了其他防病毒软件来保护个人电脑,Microsoft Defender 防病毒将自行关闭。 安装防病毒软件之前,请检查计算机上是否已经安装了其他第三方防病毒软件产品。 如果已安装反恶意软件产品,请务必在安装新产品之前删除不需...
Bitdefender Antivirus Free is a free antivirus software especially designed to protect your Windows PC. Quick to install and light on computer resources, it is good for gaming, image and video editing, and resource-intensive applications.
Protect your privacy, identity, and devices with Windows Security. Explore Windows 11 security features like Microsoft Defender Antivirus that help keep you and your PC safe.
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下载: 虽然ZoneAlarm为企业开发了大部分应用程序,但它现在也开始专注于家庭用户。Check Point的ZoneAlarm现在为Windows 11提供了一个免费的防病毒程序,带来了强大的保护和一个自定义的防火墙来保护你的网络。免费版本可以保护你的电脑免受病毒、恶意软件、间谍软件和其...
Get top-rated Windows 7 antivirus protection Free download 30+ years of cybersecurity experience Easy to install, effortless to use Safer browsing and emailing Wi-Fi network security Microsoft-trusted antivirus for Windows 7 Avast is Windows 7’s official consumer security software provider. ...
Here’s a guide for Microsoft/Windows Defender download, install, uninstall and reinstall on Windows 10/11. Utilize this best free antivirus software for Windows to protect your computer from threats. For more computer troubleshooting tips, you can visitMiniTool Softwareofficial website. ...
Microsoft Defender Antivirus (Windows Defender) Built by Microsoft and included on any computer with Windows 10, Microsoft Defender — previously known as Windows Defender — has come a long way since its humble beginnings. It’s a comparable anti-malware solution to many of the free third-party...