另外一个方法就是,手机端安装Samba server软件,如Samba FileSharing。4、通过网盘 网盘就需要两个设备都要连上互联网,安装同一个网盘,登录同一个账号。这就非常依耐外网速度了,因为是通过了第三方平台。5、通过IM通信软件发送。如微信、QQ等的文件传输功能或者聊天界面传送。很多人都在用,不必多说。不久,安卓...
就近共享(Nearby Sharing)是一款开源 Android 应用,它能通过 Windows 10 / 11 内置共享功能实现在 Android 和 PC 之间共享文件。@Appinn 类似使用 Windows 就近共享功能的项目还有一个: AndDrop –用「隔空投送」「就近共享」从 Android 设备向 Mac、Windows 传送文件|2023 年的第二个精选 但是,AndDrop 有一个...
缺点是手机上需要打开特定界面才能接收文件。 更新说明 - 更新法语翻译 - 修复网络发现 应用截图 <> 多平台下载 Android版 Windows就近共享手机版 v1.7.2 安卓版 直接点击下载 直接点击下载 中文名:就近共享 包名:de.shortdev.nearby_sharing_windows MD5:62E3BC68CAAAC417517A7C5CC486488A...
File Sharing in Windows Subsystem for Android has been a huge request for Windows 11 users. Many will be happy to see that Microsoft finally delivered withtoday's 2305.40000.4.0 update. This means that WSA can now share user folders such as your documents and pictures, making things like vide...
Microsoft is making it easier to share files between Android and Windows devices using the Nearby Share feature. - SamMobile
Available for all Windows users, the Quick Share feature lets you exchange photos, videos, and other files with nearby Android devices. Here's how it works.
sudo apt-get install kdenetwork-filesharing [编辑] 配置 1.windows 访问 ubuntu 第一步创建共享目录: 比如要创建/home/用户名/share首先创建这个文件夹 (这个用户名就是你的用户名,为了方便易懂我才这样写的,到时记得自己改啊) 代码: mkdir /home/用户名/share (新建share文件夹) ...
sharing solutions. Fortunately, we know thatGoogle is working on its own file-sharing servicethat will likely work on most Android smartphones with Google apps. There's now evidence that Google's solution will also support sharing files to PCs running Chrome OS, Windows, macOS, or Linux as ...
This repo contains a fully functional implementation of theMS-CDPandNearShareprotocol that powers theWindows 10+built-in sharing functionality (AkaProject Rome). Note This repository contains a fully functionalAndroidapp that serves as a frontend oflibCdp. ...
首先,打开 System Preference(系统偏好设置),点击 Sharing(共享): 勾选File Sharing(文件共享),这样就可以开启文件共享功能,想要关闭时就把这个取消勾选即可。然后在 Shared Folder(共享文件夹) 一栏点击 “+” 号,可以添加需要被共享的目录。接着在 Users(用户) 一栏可以设置用户的读写权限,将当前的系统用户设置...