Windows Application Package IBM i Access Client Solutions - Windows 应用程序软件包为运行 Windows 操作系统的用户使用和开发客户端应用程序提供中间件。 用户和应用程序员可以使用Windows 应用程序包通过将IBM i资源扩展至 PC 桌面来利用整个企业中的业务信息,应用程序和资源。 Windows 应用程序包具有以下功能: 它包...
I recently installed Windows 10 on a couple of computers, when I connect them to my domain the group called "All Application packages" loses it's permission in the register key called "SOFTWARE", it just disappears. This is a problem because when i log on to the domain with a user ...
1.在Powershell窗口中执行:wmic useraccount get "name,sid",找到你的账号所的那一行,记住SID那一列。 2.在注册表找到并删掉([UserSID]替换成第1步的那个): HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Appx\AppxAllUserStore\[UserSID] 重新启动电脑,重启完以后打开App,如果还不能用,再等一...
(I'm reporting from from a slack conversation, and do not have first hand experience) At least one person has comment that their osquery refuses to run claiming unsafe permissions. Digging a bit, I think this is because APPLICATION PACKA...
Hello, I need to re-apply the group\user permissions for "All Application Packages" and "All Restricted Application Packages" to all workstations and was hoping to do this via Group Policy (Computer Configuration\Policies\Windows…
若要在 Windows 10 1703 下使用快捷方式/硬链接安装字体,请配置好字体文件的权限 如题。 务必要给All Application Packages赋予只读或更高的NTFS权限(其实也可以考虑直接调节Everyone的权限)。 否则。使用GDI渲染字体的应用不会正常读取字体。 不能正常读取字体的效果图:...
Provides information about all of the package content groups in the app and their state, name, whether they are required, and so on. GetLogoAsRandomAccessStreamReference(Size) Gets the application logo of the package as a random access stream. GetThumbnailToken() Windows Phone only. Returns...
此示例使用 FindPackages () 枚举所有用户的已安装包。 C# 复制 using Windows.Management.Deployment; public static int Main(string[] args) { PackageManager packageManager = new PackageManager(); IEnumerable<Windows.ApplicationModel.Package> packages = (IEnumerable<Windows.ApplicationModel.Package>) packag...
套件會使用信任的簽章進行簽署,並安裝在具有開發人員授權的計算機上、已啟用AllowAllTrustedApps原則的已加入網域計算機,或已啟用AllowAllTrustedApps原則的Windows側載授權的電腦。 ERROR_PACKAGE_UPDATING 0x80073D00 無法啟動應用程式,因為它目前正在更新。 ERROR_DEPLOYMENT_BLOCKED_BY_POLICY 0x80073D01 原則會封鎖套件...
该包使用受信任的签名进行签名,并安装在具有开发人员许可证的计算机上、启用了 AllowAllTrustedApps 策略的已加入域的计算机,或者启用了 AllowAllTrustedApps 策略的 Windows 旁加载许可证的计算机。 ERROR_PACKAGE_UPDATING0x80073D00无法启动该应用,因为它当前正在更新。