著名的Windows8半透明开启工具Aero Glass工具,开始支持Windows10了。Aero Glass for Win8.1+ v1.3.1支持Windows 10到build 9879版本,但微软前段时间发布新了Windows10 build 9926,Aero Glass作者放出了Aero Glass for Win10 build 9926调试测试版(更新日志2015.01.29),可以让大伙开启半透明毛玻璃效果!相信很快就有Ae...
之前报道过微软某位UI工程师打算重新把 Win8 Aero Glass磨砂透明 效果给整出来,还放出了效果图,后来不知道什么原因没发布了。之后又有国外研究出Win8开启透明效果,但没有磨砂效果。国外码农继续给力,终于研究出Win8开启Aero磨砂透明效果的软件,原理是通过注入dwm.exe来实现Aero glass磨砂透明效果。
For Windows 8.1: Aero 8.1 For Windows 8: Aero 8 The ZIP file in these themes have all the instructions for installing it. The above themes have both variations - rounded as well as square corners. Aero Glass itself includes a feature to load theme resources. Download some theme resources ...
You can try WinaeroGlass (the early alpha version without UI) right now. Download and unpack WinaeroGlass.exe using the link below and run it. That's it! You should log off and log in back to stop WinaeroGlass since it has no native "stop\exit" feature yet. ...
Aero Glass正式支持兼容Windows10 1809以及以下版本,经过测试,完美兼容无BUG。 相信有很多小伙伴还是很喜欢这种毛玻璃风格,喜欢的朋友可以捣鼓一下,需要一定的动手能力。 设置方法和之前稿子的一样:《如何在Win10创意者更新上完美地用上Aero特效》。 GUI配置程序: ...
Aero 8和Aero 8.1是第三方为Win8和Win8.1开发的主题,安装后可以重拾Aero Glass毛玻璃效果,而且兼容其它Aero工具、开始菜单找回工具。这两款主题中均包含Windows 7默认主题:建筑、任务、风景、自然、场景(壁纸、音效、光标效果)。主题下载Aero 8(仅适用于Win8,57.7MB):http://www.deviantart.com/download/350491112...
aero glass..前排顶P.S 想当年,哥还是一个只抢二楼的男人,逢贴必抢,遇贴就抢,无人能敌, 直到一天 一个叫黄图哥的人打败了我,深深的羞辱了我。从此 哥看破红尘。 也知道,做人要低调,不再抢二楼 来 告诉哥 现在
曾经一度有传言称 Windows 10 将把 Windows Vista 时代经典的 Aero Glass 半透明毛玻璃特效找回来,但现如今系统已经推出正式版了,透明效果……
So all you need to do is to download and unpackWinAeroGlass.exeusing the link below and run it. You should log off and log in back to stopWinAeroGlasssince it has no native “stopexit” feature yet. Developer will also allow the tool withUIin near future followed by blur. You can ...
You can try WinaeroGlass (the early alpha version without UI) right now. Download and unpack WinaeroGlass.exe using the link below and run it. That's it! You should log off and log in back to stop WinaeroGlass since it has no native "stop\exit" feature yet. ...