1. 获取许可证:管理员需要在Azure门户中购买Windows Defender ATP订阅,并获取相应的许可证。2. 配置安全中心:管理员需要在Windows Defender Security Center中创建“安全中心”,并将计算机绑定到安全中心。3. 下载代理:管理员需要在Windows Defender Security Center中下载并安装WDATP代理程序,以便开始收集和上传威胁...
Get a better IT security solution. Windows Defender ATP provides preventative protection, post-breach detection, automated investigation and response.
./Device/Vendor/MSFT/WindowsAdvancedThreatProtection Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection 構成サービス プロバイダーのルート ノード。サポートされている操作は Get です。オンボード Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection オンボード BLOB を設定し、Windows Defender Advanced Threat ...
POST https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/deviceManagement/deviceConfigurations Content-type: application/jsonContent-length: 267{ "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsDefenderAdvancedThreatProtectionConfiguration", "description": "Descriptionvalue", "displayName": "DisplayNamevalue", "version":7, "...
首先,由于Windows Defender和杀毒软件相冲突,所以我们关闭第三方杀毒软件。第二步,在“开始”菜单中,打开“控制面板”,点击“系统和安全”下的“查看你的计算机状态”。第三步、 在“安全”下展开详细的内容,可以看到“病毒防护(重要信息)”和“间谍软件和垃圾软件防护(重要信息)”处于提示状态。...
WDATP(Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection) CSP(구성 서비스 공급자)를 사용하면 IT 관리자가 WDATP에 대한 온보딩, 구성 및 상태 확인 및 엔드포인트 오프보딩을 할 수 있습니다....
./Device/Vendor/MSFT/WindowsAdvancedThreatProtection The root node for the Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection configuration service provider.Supported operation is Get.Onboarding Sets Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection Onboarding blob and initiates onboarding to Windows Defender Advanced ...
O CSP Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (WDATP) permite que os administradores de TI integrem, determinem status de configuração e integridade e pontos de extremidade offboard para WDATP.
The Windows Defender Advanced Threat Protection (WDATP) configuration service provider (CSP) allows IT Admins to onboard, determine configuration and health status, and offboard endpoints for WDATP.The following example shows the WDATP configuration service provider in tree format as used by the ...