processInstaller.Account=ServiceAccount.LocalSystem; serviceInstaller.StartType=ServiceStartMode.Automatic; serviceInstaller.ServiceName="my_WindowsService"; serviceInstaller.Description="WindowsService_Description"; serviceInstaller.DisplayName="WindowsService_DisplayName"; Installers.Add ( serviceInstaller ); Instal...
在创建或迁移 dMSA 之前,必须在 DC 上生成KDS 根密钥。 在 PowerShell 中运行Get-KdsRootKey,验证密钥是否可用。 如果密钥不可用,可以通过运行Add-KdsRootKey –EffectiveTime ((get-date).addhours(-10))来添加。 备注 若要将 dMSA 用作独立托管服务帐户 (MSA) 或取代旧服务帐户...
Also, from this domain account, create a Run As account in VMM, and record the name of the Run As account. For more information, see How to Create a Run As Account in VMM. Because this account will be used by VMM to manage the gateway, the service template will add this account to...
HelloDevices.Any(f => f.DeviceId.Equals(deviceId))) { usersForDevice.Add(account); } } return usersForDevice; } public byte[] GetPublicKey(Guid userId, Guid deviceId) { UserAccount account = _mockDatabaseUserAccountsList.FirstOrDefault(f => f.UserId.Equals(userId)); if (account !
在OMA-URI Setting界面,点击ADD添加一个或多个OMA-URI 设置来控制Windows设备。 添加遵循该策略进行更新的组。 至此,我们就针对某一特定的组创建了其更新的策略。 结语 至此,Windows as a Service——Windows 10更新部署方法我已经全部分享完了,希望对大家有所帮助,也欢迎大家和我交流^^ ...
Symptoms This issue occurs when you add a group Managed Service Account into user rights assignment policies through gpedit.msc on a computer that is running Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2012 R2, Windows 8 or Windows Server 2012. Resolution ...
(建议)运行Test-ADServiceAccount来验证主机是否可以使用 gMSA 帐户。 如果该命令返回了False,请遵循故障排除说明进行操作。 PowerShell # To install the AD module on Windows Server, run Install-WindowsFeature RSAT-AD-PowerShell# To install the AD module on Windows 10 version 1809 or later, run Add-...
本文提供了一个解决方案,用于解决在Active Directory 用户和计算机中查看用户属性时缺少多个选项卡的问题。 适用于:Windows 7 Service Pack 1 原始KB 数:2028835 现象 在已加入域的 Windows 7 客户端上安装适用于 Windows 7(Windows 7 RSAT)的远程服务器管理工具后,将添加“AD DS 管理单元和命令行工具”的角色管...
使用/ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN 是選擇性的,但 /ADDCURRENTUSERASSQLADMIN 或/SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS 則是必要的。預設值:True (對於 SQL Server Express 的版本)False (對於所有其他版本) SQL Server Database Engine /SQLSVCACCOUNT必要 指定SQL Server 服務的啟動帳戶。 SQL Server Database Engine /SQLSVCPASSWORD...
For information about using the Services add-in in Microsoft Windows to change SQL Server service accounts, see How to change the SQL Server or SQL Server Agent service account without using SQL Enterprise Manager in SQL Server 2000 or SQL Server Configuration Manager in SQL Server 2005....