称为活动桌面(Active Desktop)。此外并在内存管理中,改进了Windows 95在同一记忆体区段混合存放的16位程序码与32位程序码,易导致一个程序发生错误就会连带造成整个系统当机的问题。从Windows 98开始,记忆体管理上有革新的进步,即是将16位与32位程序码放在不同记忆体区段执行,一旦某一应用程序错误,可以单独关闭该...
Active Directory 域服务 (AD DS) 和 Active Directory 轻型域服务 (AD LDS) 的最新增强功能引入了一系列新功能和增强功能,旨在优化你的域管理体验: 1、32k 数据库页面大小可选功能 - 自从在使用 8k 数据库页面大小的 Windows 2000 中引入可扩展存储引擎 (ESE) 数据库后,AD 便使用此数据库。 8k 架构设计决...
LDAP(轻型目录访问协议)实时监视工具用于对 Active Directory 客户端应用程序进行故障排除。 5、AdRestore 取消删除 Server 2003 Active Directory 对象。 6、Autologon 在登录期间绕过密码屏幕。 7、Autoruns 查看在系统启动时和用户登录时配置为自动启动的程序。 Autoruns 还会显示应用程序可在其中配置自动启动设置的注册...
Active Directory Online Database Backup Library Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) Core Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) LDAP Provider Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) Netware 3.X Provider Active Directory Service Interface (ADSI) Novel Directory Service Provider Active Directory Se...
Active Directory allows for access control of directory objects on a per-attribute basis. However, the vulnerability at issue here could allow a malicious user to modify object attributes that he does not have permission to modify, as long as he combined the operation in a particular way with ...
It provides enhanced active care and a real-time boost. It can clean up to 50 types of junk files. It will clear the internet and chat history, clutter, and cache. Cons: It supports only the Windows platform. File size:32.55 MB
http://soft.cnau.net/soft/24594.htm 一个小到能够完全装入 128MB 优盘进行超高速启动以及运行的Win9X操作系统,也是最低要求 486的电脑就能正常运行的系统,开机系统资源剩98%,系统本身启动3秒完全进入界面。 此系统是在Win98二版核心建立起来的。因为Win98拥有目前主流的系统功能,在游戏娱乐,程序开发,图形设计...
Windows 98's ability to embed web pages onto the desktop was the first attempt, followed by the obligatory "widget" bar in Vista. Now, I think they're finally going to strike gold in Windows 8 with an organized active desktop layer functioning as a dashboard for the digital world. ...
2-in-1 devices use touch displays and often have a compatible active pen, like the Surface Pro 9 and Surface Laptop Studio. Convertible and 2-in-1 laptops work fine as standard laptops, but they also have the added benefit of working as a tablet. If you hate the idea of a tablet ...