AcousticEchoCancellationConfiguration 与音频效果关联的 AcousticEchoCancellationConfiguration。 如果音频效果不支持声学回声消除 (AEC) ,则返回的值将为 null。 Windows 要求 展开表 设备系列 Windows 11 Insider Preview (在 10.0.26100.0 中引入) API contract Windows.Foundation.UniversalApiContract (在 v19.0 中...
回声消除(acoustic echo cancellation, AEC) 当用户的声音从麦克风返回时,就会产生回声。最简单的例子就是用户在打电话时能够听到自己的声音,这些声音有一些延迟,会在对方那里重复一段时间。回声消除通过提取发声者的声音模式,然后根据这一模式从麦克风接收到的音频中挑选出特定的音频来消除回声。 回声抑制(acoustic echo...
Represents the configuration of an Acoustic Echo Cancellation (AEC) audio capture effect. AudioCaptureEffectsManager Represents an audio capture effects manager which can be used to discover the audio processing chain on a device for a specific media category and audio processing mode. ...
AcousticEchoCancellation 1 聲場回應取消效果。 AutomaticGainControl 3 自動增益控制效果。 BassBoost 8 Bass 提升效果。 BassManagement 13 Bass 管理效果。 BeamForming 4 柱形效果。 ConstantToneRemoval 5 固定音調移除效果。 DeepNoiseSuppression 19 雜訊抑制效果。 此類型與 NoiseSuppression 不同,因為它是更進階的...
output#defineNODE_INPUT_PIN 1#defineNODE_OUTPUT_PIN 0// Node IDs#defineNODE_ID_AEC 0// acoustic echo cancellation#defineNODE_ID_NS 1// noise suppression// The array below defines the internal topology of an// AEC filter that contains an AEC node and an NS node.constPCCONNECTION_...
语音捕获DMO最初是被设计用来给麦克风阵列提供API来支持一些功能如回声消除(acoustic echo cancellation,AEC),自动增益控制(automatic gain control,AGC)和噪声抑制(noise suppression)。这些功能在SDK的音频控制类中可以找到。 Kinect SDK中音频处理对语音捕获DMO进行了简单封装,并专门针对Kinect传感器进行了性能优化。为了...
Acoustic Echo Cancellation Echo cancellation inHdxRtcEngine.execan be disabled to troubleshoot audio performance issues or compatibility with peripherals that have built-in AEC capabilities. Navigate to the registry path HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Citrix\HDXMediaStream and create the following key: ...
acoustic echo cancellation, noise reduction, gain control, etc. However, in reality the audio stack just passes the unmodified raw signal from the application to the speakers or from the microphone to the application. The signal is not modified by any Windows component. In fact, the audio ...
In most cases, enabling Acoustic Echo cancellation will fix the problem. It could also indicate sound configuration issues in Windows 11 sound settings. Before going into the fixes, ensure the USB connector is connected to the motherboard USB port. One of the leading causes of this audio proble...
Acoustic Echo Cancellation: Reduces echo noises within your local environment. Far Field Pickup:Can improve recording quality when further away from the microphone. Keystroke Suppression:Attempts to suppress noisy keystrokes. Beam Forming:Enhances input from the microphone, suppressing noises outside the ...