Hi, Are there any plans to publish Windows 8 SDK offline installer? I am tired of facing issues trying to run the sdk web setup. Why not just provide an .iso or msi which has the installation files? What purpose does it serve to have a web setup only? Thanks. All replies (2) Thur...
Show 8 more Install on Windows This article teaches you about which versions of .NET are supported on Windows, how to install .NET, and what the difference is between the SDK and runtime.Unlike .NET Framework, .NET isn't tied to your version of Windows. You can only have a single ...
Show 8 more Install on Windows This article teaches you about which versions of .NET are supported on Windows, how to install .NET, and what the difference is between the SDK and runtime.Unlike .NET Framework, .NET isn't tied to your version of Windows. You can only have a single ...
Show 8 more Install on Windows This article teaches you about which versions of .NET are supported on Windows, how to install .NET, and what the difference is between the SDK and runtime.Unlike .NET Framework, .NET isn't tied to your version of Windows. You can only have a single ...
Windows SDK 8.1 ISO 第二部分 适用于 Windows 8 1 的 Windows 软件开发工具包 SDK 包含标头 库和工具 可用于创建在 Windows 操作系统上运行的应用 Windows SDK 8 1 Standalone Installer Windows SDK 8 1 offline install 上传者:akof1314时间:2014-09-29 ...
适用于 Windows 8.1 的 Windows 软件开发工具包 (SDK) 包含标头、库和工具,可用于创建在 Windows 操作系统上运行的应用。 Windows SDK 8.1 Standalone Installer Windows SDK 8.1 offline install 上传者:akof1314时间:2014-09-29 windowssdk8.1.rar windows sdk 8.1离线资源,当安装vs2013报错时使用 ,此文为百度...
Use the Windows Performance Toolkit for Windows 8.1 that's available in theWindows 8.1 SDK Assessments are no longer available Windows OEM HAL Extension Test Cert 2017To use the Windows ADK to work with HAL Extensions, download and install the updated Windows OEM HAL Extension Test Cert 2017 (...
The Windows SDK provides tools, compilers, headers, libraries, code samples, and a new help system that developers can use to create applications that run on Microsoft Windows.
Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 (Offline Installer) for Windows Vista SP2, Windows 7 SP1, Windows 8, Windows 8.1, Windows Server 2008 SP2, Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1, Windows Server 2012 and Windows Server 2012 R2 The Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5.2 is a highly compatible, in-place update ...
5.3.8 SDK Configuration Tool appears to work but fails on VS 2008 Issue:The Windows SDK Configuration Tool (GUI mode) appears to update Visual Studio 2008 header, library and executable directories, but directories are not updated. Users may not be aware of this because the SDK Configuration ...