Unlike legacy operating systems, Windows 11 is very advanced and flexible. If you want to use some parts of Linux, mainly Ubuntu, Windows 11 has its support. You will not need to install a separate operating system for this. The Linux Sub-system will do the job perfectly. On Windows 7,...
从Windows 10升级至Windows 11后,是否存在内置软件增多、系统性能优化不足的因素,让用户在追求新系统的同时却遭遇了性能上的退步,这一问题值得深入探讨。 PassMark提供的数据来自数以千计的PerformanceTest基准测试结果,图表涵盖了从V5到V11的多个版本,这为当前的性能评估提供了充分的依据。令人感到意外的是,尽管微软在...
根据基准测试软件PassMark的最新数据,用户在使用Windows 11的PC时,CPU的平均性能明显低于之前的水平。PassMark在其官方社交媒体平台上公开了这些数据,引发了对导致这一趋势原因的广泛探讨。这些变化不仅令行业分析师感到疑惑,也让普通用户对Windows 11的评价产生了分歧。 通过对数千个用户上传的PerformanceTest基准分数进行...
图表由 PerformanceTest V5 至 V11 的数据组成。 PerformanceTest V8(2012 年发布)是第一个收集单线程性能的版本。 .. 该图表统计了在这些时间段内提交给我们的基线,因此对这段时间内测试的 CPU 具有代表性。 尽管微软竭力证明 Windows 11 比 Windows 10 更快,甚至引用了有些愚蠢的付费研究,但从数据上看,葱...
Experience the latest Microsoft Windows 11 features. Learn how our latest Windows OS gives you more ways to work, play, and create.
而据PassMark推测,平均测试得分下降的原因可能是消费者正转向购买更便宜、功耗更低、性能相对较弱的PC。而发烧友们则并不认同这一观点,他们将原因归咎于Windows 11,因为很多软件(尤其是游戏软件)在Windows 11上几乎都出现了性能下降的现象,而Windows 11也被很多人吐槽为“史上最烂OS”。当然,处理器性能下降的...
Meet Windows 11, the newest Windows version from Microsoft. Upgrade your PC to Windows 11, or explore which devices come equipped with Windows 11 features.
How to Fix Windows 11 Performance Issues Restart the PC and Only Open Apps You Need Sometimes when the PC runs slowly and even freezes, a simple restart could help. Just go toStart, tap on thePowerbutton, and chooseRestart. When you use the PC, don’t open many apps and websites at...
What if I told you that you can increase the performance of your Windows by tweaking some settings without the need for third-party software? The default Windows 11 settings are optimal for all-around enjoyable performance, but you can take advantage of some factors to speed up and optimize ...
Access denied to external Hard Drive on Windows 7? Administative Tools location is not available Alternative product for Microsoft Rich copy Are You Seeing Slow Windows 7 Network Performance? Auto Restart Option in Windows 7 Best/Fastest USB drive for readyboost? BitLocker Error Appears in Event ...