Here is the list with downloads of language packs for Microsoft's Windows-7! Language pack Info! Language packs for Windows 7 Ultimate and Enterprise and !
Windows 7 Service Pack 1Windows 7 UltimateWindows 7 Enterprise 简介 Windows 7 语言包适用于运行 Windows 7 Ultimate 或 Windows 7 Enterprise 的计算机。 只能从 Windows Update 的“可选更新”部分安装 Windows 7 语言包。 但是,这些语言包不适用于 Microsoft Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) 服务器,也...
Windows 7 language packs are available for computers that are running Windows 7 Ultimate or Windows 7 Enterprise. The Windows 7 language packs can be installed only from the Optional Updates section in Windows Update. However, ...
MSDN Windows 7 Ultimate (x86) - DVD (English)文件名 en_windows_7_ultimate_x86_dvd_x15-65921.iso 邮寄日期 (UTC): 8/6/2009 9:59:54 AM SHA1: 5395DC4B38F7BDB1E005FF414DEEDFDB16DBF610 ISO/CRC: C1C20F76 Available to Levels: MSDN OS (VL); VS Pro with MSDN Pro (VL); VS Pro ...
使用“添加语言”功能再为 Windows 11 安装一种语言,以查看该语言的菜单、对话框和支持的应用及网站。 为此,请执行以下操作:选择“开始”>“设置”>“时间和语言”>“语言和地区”。打开语言设置 前往“首选语言”,选择“添加语言”。在“选择要安装的语言”中,输入并选择要安装的语言的名称,然后选择“下一步”...
(Windows7 Ultimate with Service Pack 1)为旗舰版 Windows7 with SP1的正式整合版(来自于 ,目前只有英文版本)Windows7 SP1 MSDN官方原版多国语言中文包附激活key .ONG> Windows7 Home Basic with Service Pack 1 (x86) - DVD (English) ...
If you want to download and install any language pack from below links, you will need to make sure that you are using Windows 7 Ultimate, Professional or Enterprise editions because these language packs can only be installed in these editions. Other editions of Windows 7 like the Starter or ...
en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_X15-65922.iso en_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_X15-65922.iso SHA1: 326327CC2FF9F05379F5058C41BE6BC5E004BAA7 mu_windows_7_language_pack_x64_dvd_x15-73276.iso SHA1: 5AB13E8534FA6E17DB2EDEDEAD0D219E9B99A794 ...
Microsoft did not indicate when exactly the Traditional Chinese –Taiwan language pack would be offered to Windows 7 RTM customers, but there are more than enough language packs to keep users busy. Here are the Windows 7 RTM Enterprise and Ultimate language packs that Microsoft did release: ...
en_windows_7_ultimate_x86_dvd_X15-65921.iso en_windows_7_ultimate_x86_dvd_X15-65921.iso SHA1: 5395DC4B38F7BDB1E005FF414DEEDFDB16DBF610 mu_windows_7_language_pack_x86_dvd_x15-73272.iso SHA1: 9A04B246F132D929CDE04B14DD07FCF5F14D2F23 ...