在优化 Windows 设备时,关键优化领域之一是启动过程。 设备启动时自动运行的应用程序可能会影响启动速度和系统的整体性能。 通过自定义启动时启动的应用程序,可以简化例程,确保日常任务所需的工具已准备就绪,并等待你完成。 根据应用程序在 Windows 中的安装和注册方式,可通过不同的方法来配置其启动行为: 可以通过“...
启动应用ms-settings:startupapps 视频播放ms-settings:videoplayback 控制中心 展开表 “设置”页面URI 控制中心ms-settings:controlcenter Cortana 展开表 “设置”页面URI 跨越我的设备使用 Cortanams-settings:cortana-notifications 更多详细信息ms-settings:cortana-moredetails ...
Use Custom Libraries in Windows 7 to Ensure You Backup All your Data Configure Legacy Devices to Run on Windows 7 Use the Powerful and Free Autoruns Tool to Take Charge of Startup Apps Use a Command-Line Utility to convert a FAT32 Disk to NTFS Use the Driverquery Command to Take Inventory...
启动应用ms-settings:startupapps 视频播放ms-settings:videoplayback 控制中心 “设置”页面URI 控制中心ms-settings:controlcenter Cortana “设置”页面URI 跨越我的设备使用 Cortanams-settings:cortana-notifications 更多详细信息ms-settings:cortana-moredetails ...
BootNumStartupApps 2 BootPostBootTime 9900 BootIsRebootAfterInstall false BootRootCauseStepImprovementBits 64 BootRootCauseGradualImprovementBits 64 BootRootCauseStepDegradationBits 0 BootRootCauseGradualDegradationBits 0 BootIsDegradation false BootIsStepDegradation false BootIsGradualDegradation ...
单击General(常规)选项卡,并选择 Normal Startup(正常启动)。 取消选择您在上一部分的步骤 3 中记下的任何项目。 单击“应用”,然后重新启动 Windows 以使更改生效。 Adobe Captivate 演示介绍了如何在修改模式下重新启动 Windows。有关观看此演示的更多信息,请参阅观看知识库文档中的 Adobe Captivate 演示(kb403894...
Besides, it has built-in touch-screen functionality, which was the most exciting feature for Windows users. Moreover, Windows 7 provides a better backup and recovery system and quicker startup and shutdown times. Windows 7 apk was the best-selling Windows OS, and it was also famous for its...
Startup appsms-settings:startupapps Video playbackms-settings:videoplayback Control Center Expand table Settings pageURI Control centerms-settings:controlcenter Cortana Expand table Settings pageURI Cortana across my devicesms-settings:cortana-notifications ...
7 Click/tap on Yes to approve deleting. (see screenshot below) 8 When finished removing Startup apps from the registry, you can close Windows Terminal and Registry Editor if you like. That's it, Shawn Brink Related Tutorials Enable or Disable Background Apps in Windows 11 Enable or Disab...
Close programs in the notification area running with startup If your device takes a long time to start up, one of the causes could be having a large number of startup apps or a few apps that have a high impact on startup time. ...