1.进入cmd命令行模式 php -r "echo ini_get('memory_limit').PHP_EOL;"
Memory typeLimit on X86Limit in 64-bit Windows User-mode virtual address space for each 32-bit process 2 GB Up to 3 GB withIMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWAREand 4GT 2 GB withIMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWAREcleared (default) 4 GB withIMAGE_FILE_LARGE_ADDRESS_AWAREset ...
The one to look out for there is the 16GB limit on Home Premium. If you're building a Core i7 system then it's quite easy (if you have the cash!) to exceed this limit. As long as you're aware of the limit and plan your OS accordingly you'll be OK. Build your own "Ivy Brid...
For example, if you have a video card that has 256 MB of on-board memory, that memory must be mapped within the first 4 GB of address space. If 4 GB of system memory is already installed, part of that address space must be reserved ...
Physical Memory Limits: Windows 10 The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows 10. Physical Memory Limits: Windows 8 The following table specifies the limits on physical memory for Windows 8. Physical Memory Limits: Windows 7 ...
On a computer that is running Windows 7, the usable memory (RAM) may be less than the installed memory. For example, a 32-bit version of Windows 7 may report that there is only 3.5 GB of usable system memory on a computer that has 4...
299 0x012B 只完成Read/WriteProcessMemory的部份要求。317 0x013D 系统找不到位於讯息档 %2中编号为0x%1的讯息。487 0x01E7 尝试存取无效的位址。534 0x0216 运算结果超过32位元。535 0x0217 通道的另一端有一个行程在接送资料。536 0x0218 等候行程来开启通道的另一端。994 0x03E2 存取延伸的属性被拒...
privatevoidOnMemoryLimitChanging(objectsender, AppMemoryUsageLimitChangingEventArgs e){if(MemoryManager.AppMemoryUsage >= e.NewLimit){// Take urgent action to reduce usage.} } 擴充的執行是其中一個已限制的案例。另一個常見的案例是在應用程式會呼叫外部應用程式服務 — 每一種將會減少在呼叫期間的呼叫...
By default, 32-bit versions of Windows split the process address space evenly between the system and the active process, creating a limit of 2GB for each:Applications might use Heap APIs, the .NET garbage collector, or the C runtime malloc library to allocate virtual memory, but und...
原文:Number of bytes of virtual memory that can be committed without having to extend the paging files; if the paging files can be extended, this limit is not hard. To use a reserved region of address space, you must allocate physical storage and then map this storage to the reserved regi...