Intel(R) ICH10R SATA AHCI Controller Intel(R) 5 Series 4 Port SATA AHCI Controller Intel(R) 5 Series 6 Port SATA AHCI Controller Intel(R) 5 Series/3400 Series SATA AHCI Controller Intel(R) Desktop/Workstation/Server Express Chipset SATA AHCI Controller Intel(R) Mobile Express Chipset SATA...
6、在“设置—驱动包”中选中“DriverPack MassStorage 12.09”。选中“DriverPacks MassStore text mode – Update ’F6’ driver”。这个软件也可以集成显示卡驱动、声卡驱动、芯片组驱动等。注意:CD光盘容量比较小,一般我们只集成SATA驱动,集成其余驱动程序太多的话,容易出错! 7、“驱动包整合方式”选择方式2。方式...
1、准备机器官方网站正确型号的ahci驱动(这一点很重要,不要相信随意从网上下的驱动); 2、保存你的xp镜像或一键还原文件(以备安装失败时还原); 3、进入xp后安装ahci驱动(此处详细过程在后面详细说明); 4、安装完毕后,重启系统,进入bios,设定SATA MODE/IDE为AHCI(如果正常安装ahci驱动,此处不选择ahci模式启动会蓝屏...
If you have recently made changes to UEFI (BIOS) settings, such as changing the controller mode from legacy to AHCI in UEFI, revert those changes. For more information, seeAdvanced host controller interface. Check for storage device compatibility. ...
"Intel(R) 82801FBM SATA AHCI Controller (Mobile ICH6M)" = "OEM" "IDE CD-ROM (ATAPI 1.2)/PCI IDE Controller" = "RETAIL" [OEMBootFiles] iaahci.inf iastor.inf IaStor.sys TXTSETUP.OEM 保存。 ProductKey=""这里把""换成xp的序列号(带-号的),这样安装时就不需要填了。
其中一個原因可能是 隨插即用 無法將資源指派給開機裝置。 您可以尋找服務的項目來驗證此限制。 如果狀態旗標包含DNF_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES或不包含DNF_STARTED或DNF_ENUMERATED,您可能會找到問題。 請嘗試!devnode 0 1 storahci節省一些時間,而不是傾印整個裝置樹狀結構。
也可以按Win + X并选择“设备管理器”。展开左窗格中的“IDE ATA / SATA controller”,右键单击Standard SATA AHCI Controller,然后选择Update Driver。 安装相应的驱动程序更新并检查错误是否已解决。 解决方案3:将BIOS中的AHCI模式值切换为启用 此解决方案缺少标准的步骤,因为BIOS菜单因制造商而异。最好的建议是检...
On the other hand when switching from AHCI to IDE mode, booting into Windows Server 2003 succeeds. I have been trying to upgrade its BIOS 0032 to version 0049, without an improvement. How to correctlygst install an AHCI driver in Windows 2003 Server when running on DC321...
the box, where as Windows 7 does the same. But an issue with AHCI is that if you install the OS without enabling AHCI in the BIOS, enabling it after installation will render your OS unusable. This is because Windows disable the AHCI driver since it is not needed during the installation....
If your CD/DVD drive is not compatible with the Microsoft AHCI driver (msahci.sys), your disk controller may be set to AHCI in the system BIOS. You may be able to resolve the issue by disabling AHCI mode for your disk...