ThinkPad X1 Carbon (Machine types: 20A7, 20A8) ThinkPad X240, X240s Kompatible Betriebssysteme Microsoft Windows 7 32-bit, 64-bit Was ist mehr This package installs the software (Bluetooth Software) to enable the following devices. Intel (R) Wireless Bluetooth (R) Summary of Changes Where:...
在Intel® NUC 年为 Windows® 7* 安装 Intel 蓝牙技术驱动程序,为 Intel 蓝牙适配器安装® 64 位。 可供下载 下载 bt_win7_64_19.70.0.exe Windows 7, 64-bit* 大小:27.8 MB SHA256:E1DFA1FA9A19D68EF81C6BEABF57A47CBF486821E255064B936249A620C00861 详细说明 警...
While installing the latest bluetooth driver for windows 7 (JP-BT_17.1.1411.1504_s64) the installation fails with this error popup: "This
Operating System: Microsoft Windows 7 (64-bit) After replacing the Wi-Fi adapter with an Intel Dual Band 7260 in my HP 350 G1 laptop, although I was able to install Intel wifi drivers, the Bluetooth started acting funny, it can connect to some devices such...
PCONVERTTREETOSTREAMBluetooth SdpConvertTreeToStream 函式可用來從樹狀結構標記法產生 SDP 記錄的原始位元組流標記法。 原始位元組資料流程版本適用于在本機 SDP 伺服器上發行。 PFNBTHPORT_INDICATION_CALLBACK設定檔驅動程式會實作 L2CAP 回呼函式,以提供藍牙驅動程式堆疊的機制,以通知設定檔驅動程式來自遠端裝置的...
Windows 10 (64-bit) 17 Aug 2021 推薦 Intel Bluetooth Driver u2blt0nus14lit.exe 3.7 MB Windows 10 (64-bit) 17 Aug 2021 推薦 下載 查看校驗和 Readme u2blt0nus14lit.txt 3.71 KB Windows 10 (64-bit) 17 Aug 2021 ...
5、按键win+R打开命令提示符,输入services.msc打开服务;自动启动:BluetoothUserService、蓝牙支持服务、蓝牙转换开关服务等与蓝牙相关的服务;或者为Bluetooth Driver Management Servcie、Bluetooth Service,Blue Support Service 3个服务。 6、若以前配对过,确保你在设备中删除了,若没有配对则不管。控制面板——查看设备和...
安装应用程序必须调用用户模式 APIBluetoothSetLocalServiceInfo。 在应用程序可以调用此 API 之前,应用程序必须具有 SE_LOAD_DRIVER_NAME 安全特权。 下面的代码示例演示如何获取此特权。请注意,该示例不演示错误处理。 C++ HANDLE procToken; LUID luid; TOKEN_PRIVILEGES tp; OpenProcessToken(GetCurrentProcess(), TOKE...
Hardware Name:DW1560 Bluetooth 4.0 LE Device type:Bluetooth devicesManufactures:broadcom Driver Version: Date:30 Jun 2015File Size:899.1KB System:Windows 7, Windows 7 64-bit, Windows 8.1 64-bit, Windows 10, Windows 11 64-bit ...
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