右键桌面电脑图标,属性,如下图 在系统类型中就能看见,32-bit=32位,同等解释64-bit 顺便说下,要是你的电脑是4G以及以上内存就装64位系统,4G以下就装2G,不然,内存不够,电脑有点吃力 不好凡是 home 都不好,管你是home basic(家庭基础版)还是home premium(家庭高级版)。home的Windows系统...
WOW64的全称是32bit Windows On 64bit Windows,即运行在64位系统上的32位程序。 由于很多应用程序内部写死了C:\Windows\System32的引用路径,所以windows为了保持这些应用程序在64位系统上的兼容性,便将64位的系统库放C:\Windows\System32目录下,同时,将32位的系统库转存到C:\Windows\SysWOW64目录下。而如果应用...
不修改是为了保证兼容性, 因为历史上有无数的呆逼获取这个路径的时候没有用API, 直接硬编码的System32...
在64bit Windows中, SysWOW64里面有32位代码, system32中也有64位代码,都是为了兼容性设计....
SysWOW64文件夹主要用于 32 位应用程序在 64 位操作系统上运行时提供必要的支持。WOW64 (Windows-on-Windows 64-bit) 是 Windows 操作系统的一项技术,允许 32 位应用程序在 64 位版本的 Windows 上运行。 64 位操作系统通常包含两个系统文件夹: System32:用于存放 64 位应用程序所需的文件。
When you set up a 64-bit version of Microsoft Windows Server 2003 or Microsoft Windows XP, the operating system will create a page file that is one and a half times the amount of RAM that is installed in your computer. However, as the amount of RAM in a computer increases, the need ...
The x64 Operating System In any overview of the Windows architecture, I like to start with memory and the address space. Although a 64-bit processor could theoretically address 16 exabytes of memory (2^64), Win64 currently supports 16 terabytes, which is represented by 44 bits. Why can't...
A Microsoft-supported prerelease version of Windows XP 64-bit Edition is available with new systems from several OEMs. The operating system will be supported for 30 days after Windows XP is released, at which time it must be upgraded to the RTM version to continue support. An RTM version of...