[win]WINDOWS 11 使用旧版switcher 1.快捷键 Win + R 输入 regedit,打开注册编辑器 2.定位到下面的位置: 计算机\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer 3.注册表右侧空白区域点击鼠标右键 → 新建 → DWORD (32 位) 值,命名为 AltTabSettings,双击项目,把值修改为 1。 4.重启...
[win]WINDOWS 11 使用旧版switcher 1.快捷键 Win + R 输入 regedit,打开注册编辑器 2.定位到下面的位置: 计算机\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer 3.注册表右侧空白区域点击鼠标右键 → 新建 → DWORD (32 位) 值,命名为 AltTabSettings,双击项目,把值修改为 1。 4.重启...
2024.05.11-新增HashTool、Window Switcher、Notesnook、uyou To do、Vivaldi浏览器、Midori浏览器、Fort防火墙等 2024.05.17-新增Fedora WSL、MicroTube、Applus、Pixel Art Studio Free、泼绘、HashMe、Battery Percentage - Pure Battery add-on、Battery Meter、fHash、All the Unicode 2024.06.03-新增QQ9.9.11 arm...
Using “Ctrl+Alt+Tab” opens the window switcher and keeps it open, allowing you to navigate between windows using the arrow keys without continuously holding down the shortcut keys. This is particularly useful for users who prefer to use keyboard navigation over mouse input and need time ...
Easy Windows Switcher是一个窗口切换软件,打开后,可以使用ctrl + `在同一应用的不同窗口间切换,类似于Mac下的体验,136k的单文件应用,打开后会在后台常驻并自动启动。 软件介绍 向前所未有的窗口切换打招呼! Easy Window Switcher让不同窗口之间的切换变得像alt+`(即alt+回车键)一样简单。忘记了在无数个不同的...
Updated the input switcher so it can get a bit taller now for people with more than 4 keyboards. Fixed a memory leak in the input switcher leading to explorer.exe crashing after repeated rapid use. Fixed an explorer.exe crash when clicking on More Keyboard Settings in the input switcher. ...
With this feature, you will be able to seamlessly log in to your Windows 365 Cloud PC from the Windows 11 login screen using Windows Hello. You'll also be able to enjoy a fast account switcher experience, featuring a username and profile photo, just like you get on Windows 11. Related,...
account switcher experience to effortlessly switch profiles to login in, personalized experience with your username and password, display picture on lock and login screen, remember your username, etc.The feature will begin to get enabled for Windows 365 customers via a private preview in early ...
好在找到一款小应用可以启用这个快捷键,这个应用叫做easy window switcher。软件只有 100 多kb。设置为开机启动就可以了。 Z目录跳转工具 只能在git-bash下正常使用 在Windows下, 如果不通过文件管理器的路径打开终端,想要跳转到某个目录十分困难,尤其是对于分区比较多的用户,往往需要跨越几个盘,在linux下可以使用z来...
shell:::{3080F90E-D7AD-11D9-BD98-0000947B0257} //Window Switcher shell:::{3134ef9c-6b18-4996-ad04-ed5912e00eb5} shell:::{323CA680-C24D-4099-B94D-446DD2D7249E} //Favorites shell:::{328B0346-7EAF-4BBE-A479-7CB88A095F5B} //LayoutFolder ...