近日,海外知名社区 Reddit 的 PWA 版本上架了 Windows 11/Windows 10 应用商店,从商店页面可以看到,Reddit PWA 版本需要微软 Edge 浏览器才可以运行,也就是像网站一样。 这一上架对普通用户来说似乎没有什么大的关系,毕竟可以直接访问 Reddit 的 PWA 网页,并将其添加到系统应用列表,就像IT之家的 PWA 版本。 不...
7月 2 日消息,WindowsLatest 注意到,大量 Windows 11 用户反馈了一个关于系统更新导致 SSD 速度下降的问题,例如从一个位置复制大型文件到另一个位置或玩大型游戏。 实际上,自从 2023 年 3 月发以来,就一直有用户在反馈 PC 启动时间变长和 SSD 速度变慢的问题。 各大论坛、Reddit、微软反馈中心以及其他在线平台...
This article explains how to download the official Windows 10 or Windows 11 ISO from Microsoft servers using different methods. The Media Creation Tool downloads the latest version of Windows 10/11 by default. You can also use Rufus or other third-party tools to accomplish the task. Using the...
Can’t play mp4 files along with media in all browsers (Windows 10) "I can’t play .mp4 with Windows’ “movies & tv” or “Photos” app because “This item is in a format we don’t support, 0xc004f001” Source: Reddit How to play MP4 on Windows 11? Now that you know why MP...
Besides, in Control Panel, the steps for setting up File History in Windows 11 are the same as in Windows 10. The only difference is the address of File History in the Control Panel. File History in Windows 11 (current build 10.0.22000.120) locates inControl Panel > All Control Panel Item...
You can ask a question or answer other questions by creating your profile on Reddit. The platform gives clear ideas about things that might confuse you. Today, we have come up with theBest Free VPN for Windows 11as per Reddit Users. ...
There may be an occasion however, where you may need to revert back to Windows 10. This could be due to an app not being compatible as yet, or Windows 11 doesn't take kindly to a component in your PC. Fortunatelywe have a guide readythat can take you through this, step by step. ...
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不少用户在Reddit和微软论坛上报告了育碧游戏的这些问题,微软表示正在与育碧合作制定解决方案,并建议相关用户在问题解决前不要手动安装Windows 11 24H2更新。 育碧已经为《星球大战:亡命之徒》发布了一个临时热修复程序(v1.4.1),同时正在开发一个永久修复程序。
Therefore, you may want touninstall Windows 11 and go back to Windows 10. Or, expecting the next version of Windows after Win11 in advance. Even if you haven’t yet experienced Windows 11, hearing about the buggy and unstable Windows 11, you might want to insist on the current operating ...