如果线程在超时内未完成,则系统 bug 会检查0x116 VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE。有关详细信息,请参阅 线程同步和 TDR。 如果多个 TDR 事件在短时间内发生,则系统还可以使用 VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE 检查 bug。默认金额在一分钟内超过五个 TDR。 如果恢复过程成功,将显示一条消息,指示“显示驱动程序已停止响应并已恢复”。 解决...
The windows 11 bsod dump says: VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE (116)Attempt to reset the display driver and recover from timeout failed.Arguments:Arg1: ffffe287e3140010, Optional pointer to internal TDR recovery context (TDR_RECOVERY_CONTEXT).Arg2: fffff80598301ac0, The pointer into responsible device driver...
1.偶尔一次出现这种问题,重启电脑,可以解决。2. 经常这样,软件问题:开机,按F8,进入到安全模式,高级启动选项,恢复最后一次正确配置,回车。看看如何,还不行,则重装操作系统。3.硬件问题:如果重装系统后还是不行,则内存条有问题,拆下清理灰尘,橡皮擦金手指,清理插槽,换一个插槽重装,不行,...
So recently (starting in late january) i have been starting to get crashes related to the gpu, most commonly VIDEO_TDR_ERROR(0x80000000000000010) and it started out very uncommon (like maybe once a month) and then it started coming more common, like once a week, and on ...
How to Fix Video TDR Failure on Windows 11/10 This section provides 7 options to fix video TDR errors on Windows. However, before we can officially fix the video TDR failure, we need to enter the safe mode of the computer: Step 1.Force shutdown twice and reboot. ...
VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE 参数 参数说明 1指向内部 TDR 恢复上下文的指针(如果可用)。 2指向负责的设备驱动程序模块(例如所有者标记)的指针。 3上次失败操作的错误代码(如果可用)。 4内部上下文相关数据(如果可用)。 原因 如果在处理最终用户命令或操作时系统出现完全冻结或挂起,图形中会出现常见的稳定性问题。 通常,GPU ...
Outdated display drivers are one of the most common reasons for a Windows system to display the stop code video TDR failure. So, before everything else, make sure to update your display card drivers.Follow these steps to update your PC's display drivers....
电脑一开游戏就出现终止代码VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE SveDeus 默默无闻 1 我是先花屏然后就video_schuduler_internal_error蓝屏了 12348ABCb 默默无闻 1 哥们解决了吗 苏子冥 默默无闻 1 显卡驱动问题。把显卡驱动更新一下。 永垂不朽 小有名气 4 请问现在解决了吗? laolang9007 默默无闻 1 没办法,这种...
What is VIDEO_TDR_FAILURE? TDRstands forTimeout,Detection, andRecoverycomponents in Windows. It’s supposed to be there to help stop BSODs by resetting the GPU and/or driver when there is an issue of long delay. If problems happen too many times in a row, a blue screen of ...