尋找Windows 11 版本 22H2 最近解決之問題的相關信息。 若要尋找特定問題,請在瀏覽器上使用搜尋函式, (CTRL + F 來Microsoft Edge) 。 如需 Windows 更新問題的立即協助,如果您使用 Windows 裝置開啟 [取得說明] 應用程式或移至[support.microsoft.com],請按兩下這裡。 請遵循@WindowsUpdateX (先前的 Windows...
Many times i tried to update windows 11 from 21h2 to 22h2 but every time my laptop restart for installation and then a notification comes that the update is failed to install. Tags: Microsoft Windows 11 View All (1) Category: Windows 11 I have the same question...
After the computer is upgraded from Windows 10 to WIndows 11 22H2, the monthly system hotfix update cannot be performed normally, and the same situation also occurs after a new installation of Windows 11 22H2. After testing in various ways; if it is…
一些用户还不能够安装 Windows 11 22H2 更新。 通常,Windows 11 版本 22H2 更新卡住是驱动程序 / 软件冲突、缺少更新或缓存的 Windows Update 文件导致更新服务在下载过程中冻结的结果。即使是最好的硬件也可能遇到安装问题,并且微软 Surface 产品也会受到影响。 Windows 11 版本 22H2 是微软公司试...
I've had a couple Windows 11 22H2 computers fail to install the cumulative update for last month and this month. The error code description is: The upgrade cannot be installed by the Windows Instal...Show More software update management Reply ...
Several users complain that they are unable to update their system to the latest version of Windows 11, version 22H2, because the update fails to install with error 0x8007000d. The error code "0x8007000d" in the Windows 11 v122H2 update is usually caused because of corrupted downloaded fi...
{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":3817486,"subject":"Windows 11 22H2 cumulative update fails 0x8007066A from Software Center","id":"message:3817486","revisionNum":1,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:1124030"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__re...
Howdy im having trouble integrating updatets latest versions this started like a month ago for me and its random some time it finishes some time just...
Windows 11, version 22H2 is not showing up in Windows Update is another update issue you may encounter. Here, you should know that Microsoft doesn’t release this update to all Windows 11 eligible computers at the same time. So, it may be not an issue when you can’t see Windows 11 ...
For the most up-to-date information about known issues for Windows 11, version 22H2, please go to theWindows release health dashboard. Known issues in this update Applies to Symptom Workaround All users If you are trying to setup your device for the first time, you might face issues with...