这个方法需要你有一个具有管理权限的其他用户帐户。 用其他用户帐户登录Windows 11。 按Windows+S打开搜索框,输入“cmd”,右键单击命令提示符应用程序,选择以管理员身份运行。 在命令提示符中输入net user accountname newpassword,将accountname替换为你忘记密码的用户帐户名,newpassword替换为新密码。 注销当前帐户,用...
For the protection of your account, Microsoft has strict policies on how our advocates can help you with your account. Microsoft Support advocates are unable to provide account information without proper validation, but there are places you can look within the products themselves. Have you ever set...
在开始恢复出厂设置之前,还请您先仔细想想电脑上还有没有存储得有重要的数据,为避免其被清除,我们还是比较建议您提前备份一下,详情可以参考这篇不进入系统备份文件教程。 如果没有什么重要文件需要备份的话,那就好办了,咱们直接开冲。 #1. 通过登录屏幕界面恢复出厂设置 想要恢复出厂设置不知道密码怎么办?其实是有办...
The answer is the simplest of them all – so you can instantly reset a forgotten Windows 11 admin password and regain access to your account, desktop, and data. Resting your Windows 11 password with a USB flash drive allows you to recover your account on all versions of Windows OS, such ...
19. In the "Open" box, type:control userpasswords2& clickOK. 20. InUserstab, select the locked account and clickReset Password. 21. PressOKto reset the password (or type a new one), and then pressOKagain to close the "User Accounts" window. ...
Use Microsoft Account Password Reset (If Linked):If you're using a Microsoft account to sign in to Windows 11, you can reset your Microsoft account password online through the Microsoft website. Once you've reset your Microsoft account password, you can use the new pa...
If you want to reopen a closed Microsoft account, refer to Microsoft's official support instructions. Forgot Microsoft Account Password If the password you entered is not working or you've forgotten your password, please reset it using the following steps. Reset Microsoft Account Password Click thi...
If you want to reopen a closed Microsoft account, refer to Microsoft's official support instructions. Forgot Microsoft Account Password If the password you entered is not working or you've forgotten your password, please reset it using the following steps. Reset Microsoft Account Password Click thi...
Use Microsoft Account Password Reset (If Linked):If you're using a Microsoft account to sign in to Windows 11, you can reset your Microsoft account password online through the Microsoft website. Once you've reset your Microsoft account password, ...
Windows 11Windows 10 如果要更改或重置用于登录 Windows 的密码,可以使用不同的选项。 本文概述了可以使用的不同方法,无论是使用Microsoft帐户还是本地帐户、登录帐户还是登录屏幕。 如果改用 PIN,请参阅更改或重置 PIN。 重要:Microsoft帐户、Windows作系统和其他Microsoft产品包括密码,以帮助保护你的信息。 本文提供...