更新助手可以帮助你更新到最新版本的 Windows 10。要开始,请单击立即更新。 现在更新 创建Windows 10 安装媒体 要开始,你首先需要拥有安装 Windows 10 许可证。然后,你可以下载并运行媒体创建工具。有关如何使用该工具的详细信息,请参阅下面的说明。 *您在此网站上使用介质创建工具受本网站的Microsoft 使用条款的约束...
Windows 11 is the latest version of the Microsoft operating system, launched in October 2021. It was developed as a functional and aesthetic improvement to Windows 10. Windows 11 adds and improves various features from Windows 10 while also removing some. The operating system now boasts a modern...
You can click Windows Insider Program to download and install Windows 11 insider preview builds to experience new features and updates. How to Upgrade from 32-bit Windows 10 to 64-bit Windows 11 Learn how to upgrade from 32-bit Windows 10 to 64-bit Windows 11 in this post. A step-by-...
you have a windows 10/11 licence. your pc must have windows 10, version 2004 or higher installed to run installation assistant. your pc must have 9 gb of free disk space to download windows 11. note: your pc meets the windows 11 device specifications for upgrade requirements and supported ...
Method 1. Use Windows 11 Installation Assistant To upgrade a Windows 10 PC to Windows 11, using the Windows 11 Installation Assistant of Microsoft is a great choice. Ensure your PC has a Windows 10 license and runs Windows 10, version 2004 or higher. Also, ensure your PC meets the Windows...
如果你有运行 Windows 7 专业版、Windows 8 专业版或Windows 8.1 专业版的 Windows 设备,则你的Microsoft 365 商业高级版订阅有权将这些设备升级到 Windows 10 或 11 专业版。 可以从多种升级方法中进行选择: 为大多数用户推荐使用Windows 更新 ()
体验Microsoft Windows 11 的最新功能。了解最新的 Windows 操作系统如何为你提供更多工作、娱乐和创作方式。
This tutorial will show you how to upgrade to Windows 11 from Windows 10 with the Windows 11 Installation Assistant. The Windows 11 Installation Assistant allows you to upgrade a Windows 10 PC directly to the latest Windows 11 build. Before you begin, check to see if the following condit...
Use thePC Health Checkapp to see if your current PC meets the requirements to run Windows 111. If so, you can get a free upgrade when it rolls out. Learn More Get Ready Shop our preinstalled Windows 11 devices or choose from a great selection of Windows 10 devices that qualify for a ...
0xC7700112無法完成將數據寫入系統磁碟驅動器,可能是因為硬碟上的寫入存取失敗。此問題已在最新版的Upgrade Assistant中解決。 請確定升級程序開始時已接受「下載並安裝更新」。 0x80190001嘗試下載升級所需的檔案時發生非預期的錯誤。若要解決此問題,請下載並執行媒體建立工具。 請參閱下載 Windows 10。