1). 按Win + R输入services.msc 2). 找到Windows Update→ 右键选择属性 3. 将启动类型设为禁用→ 停止服务 - 风险:系统可能自动恢复服务。 4. 修改注册表(高风险) - 步骤: 1). 按Win + R输入regedit→ 导航至: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX\Settings 2. 新建DWORD (32位) ...
1,"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\WindowsUpdate\UX"下"IsConvergedUpdateStackEnabled"键值改为0 2,“HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\WindowsUpdate\AU”下"UseWUServer"键值改0(我觉得这项修改完之后应该就可以恢复正常了,可是保险起见我还是修改了上级注册表) 3,"计算机\HKEY_LOCAL...
最后回到服务,重新启动Windows Update服务。 二、重置更新组件 首先,禁用某些更新服务,在“开始”菜单顶部的搜索框中输入cmd,以管理员身份运行,在命令提示(cmd)输入 net stop cryptsvc net stop appidsvc net stop bits net stop wuauserv 然后重命名 SoftwareDistirbution与catroot2文件名,命令提示符输入以下命令 Ren...
If you are looking for an easy way tostop Windows 11 updates, you can run third-party software - EaseUS Clean Genius. With this tool, you can disable Windows 11 automatic updates permanently without wasting your time. Run this tool and follow the instructions below. Do you prefer a one-c...
StopWinUpdates free download for Windows 11 64 bit and 32 bit. Install StopWinUpdates latest official version 2025 for PC and laptop from FileHonor. Disable windows 10 update completely. StopWinUpdates enables you to disable windows 10 updates. Notes 1- Windows update service set to manual by...
依次展开"HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE"、“SOFTWARE”、“Policies”、“Microsoft”、“Windows”,然后右键点击"WindowsUpdate",选择"删除"以删除该键。重启电脑后,Windows 11更新应该可以正常使用了。 使用管理员权限运行命令提示符:按下Win + X键,选择"命令提示符(管理员)"。在命令提示符窗口中输入以下命令并按下回车键:...
However, if you don't want to migrate from Windows 10 to Windows 11 yet and you don't know how to stop the Windows 11 update pending restart notification. Continue reading this article offered by EaseUS, as we're going to show you how to finally stop the Windows 11 update pending ...
Locate the downloaded update file and run it as administrator. In addition, third-party security software can sometimes conflict with your Windows 11 update and stop it from installing on your computer. Therefore, you should turn off or remove any third-party security programs, including firewall...
net stop wuauserv net stop bits 3. 清空“SoftwareDistribution”文件夹。你可以在文件浏览器中导航到C:Windows Software Distribution然后清空此文件夹。注意:这里没有什么重要的东西,删除即可。4. 重新启动Windows更新服务。你可以在Windows PowerShell下输入以下命令。net start wuauserv net start bits 5. 重新...
2.在右侧列表中找到“Windows Update”选项,双击进入详细属性页面,将其启动类型配置为“禁用”,然后单击“应用”>“确定”即可关闭Windows自动更新。 原文章地址: https://www.disktool.cn/content-center/stop-windows-11-update-666.html __EOF__ 标签:windows11windows更新停止更新 ...