請等到sfc掃描驗證達到100%完成,然後關閉命令提示字元並再次嘗試執行Windows Update。如果問題仍然存在,請再繼續下一個疑難排解步驟。 返回目錄 透過系統還原點還原系統 如果Windows Update的問題是最近才開始發生,且如果您先前已經有建立系統還原點、或是系統建立的自動還原點,則可以嘗試將系統還原至問題開始前的時間點來...
@大奔表锅 打开任务管理器-服务-右下角再一个服务-找到windows update-属性设为停止 2.C:\windows\softwaredistribution删除里面的所有文件3.重复第1步骤,启动windows update服务,然后重新运行自动更新 如不能解决问题,建议将更新设为自动更新,在你使用电脑时,系统将在后台自行查找可用更新,在你关机或重启时会自行安装...
However, you may experience issues like Windows update not working on Windows 10 or Windows 11. It may lead you to get stuck with different errors that occur during an update, such as Windows update taking forever, showing downloading errors, Windows installation failure, and many more. If ...
Restart Windows Update Service You need to check and ensure, the Windows update and its related services must be running state to get the latest Windows 11 updates installed on your computer. If for any reason the update service is not started or is stuck running you may experience problems ...
Windows updates require a stable internet connection to download Windows 11 23H2 files from Microsoft server. A poor or unstable internet connection can disrupt the update process. The first thing you need to check that you have a stable and fast internet connection. ...
"Installing the Windows 11 cumulative update KB5011563 has failed. It keeps getting stuck at 0%, 50%, or 87%...Seems not safe to download right now."* Which OS build are you running? Check Windows 11 update history to get the most recent cumulative update. (Current version: March ...
If Windows 11 is still not updating, try other tips. Fix 4. Remove Incompatible Software and External Devices If your Windows 11 failed to update and found some issues, you can click the Fix issues button in the Windows Update screen to check the update problems and see if you can fix ...
对于跑Windows 11的设备,微软再三声明必须满足最低规格才能安装。微软同时也设计了2个方式协助用户确认他的计算机满足要求,一是跑PC Health Checkapp,另一个是通过Windows Update告知。不过有用户本周反映,他的计算机安装Windows 11后,以PC Health Check App检查,包括TSM及UEFI等要求全部符合,但是Windows Update的...
微软已在本周针对符合要求的硬件正式发布Windows 11,不过却出现明明硬件规格符合,但Windows Update却显示计算机不适合跑Windows 11的消息。好消息是可能很快会排除。 对于跑Windows 11的设备,微软再三声明必须满足最低规格才能安装。微软同时也设计了2个方式协助用户确认他的计算机满足要求,一是跑PC Health Checkapp,另一...
Go back to the Services window, right-click ‘Windows Update’ and select ‘Start’. Try running Windows Update again. 3.Try to connect other network to see if the update could be download and install. 4.If above steps could not work, I suggest that try to install the update manu...