另一种解决:[使用MediaCreationToolW11升级/修复Windows11系统 - Microsoft Community](https://answers.microsoft.com/zh-hans/windows/forum/windows_11-wintop_update/%e4%bd%bf%e7%94%a8mediacreationtoolw11%e5%8d%87/dcf5f197-d41a-4ccb-8d12-3cf104572f89) 本文允许保留原地址、原作者的规范转载。
1.利用 Aveyo 开源工具 Universal MediaCreationTool(Github),不过我们这里仅需要其中跳过 TPM 检查的脚本。 2.找到“Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update.cmd” 3. 仅选择并复制该文件的所有代码。 4.打开记事本,并把代码粘贴到其中。 5.将文件以后缀名 .cmd 为格式保存。 6.双击并运行该脚本。 7.当询问是否...
Microsoft has provided a simple tool that would help you in it. The PC Health Check App was removed by Microsoft because of the controversy it created. However, Microsoft has recently updated and relaunched it.
Windows 11 current version Windows 11 version 23H2is the latest release today. It’s the second feature update and has been available since October 31, 2023. The latest quality update is“build 22631.3593.”You can use these instructions tocheck the version installedon your computer. Use these...
2、以管理员身份运行 MediaCreationTool.bat ; 3、在弹出的 MCT 列表里选择「 11 」; 4、选择「 Create ISO 」来下载 Windows 11 正式版本; 5、完成后 ISO 镜像会放在 MediaCreationTool.bat 所在的文件夹里; 6、中断网络连接! 7、以管理员身份运行 Skip_TPM_Check_on_Dynamic_Update.cmd(v1 或 v2 均...
Windows Latest 指出:微软于 6 月最后一周推出了《PC Health Check Tool》,但由于一系列问题反馈,该工具还是很快被从官网撤下。 接着微软变得有些谨慎,先是将修改版《PC 健康检查工具》推给 Windows 预览体验成员进行测试,然后再推向更广大的非预览体验成员。
对于没有 TPM 2.0 的硬件,无论是使用全新安装还是从 Windows 10 使用 Media Creation Tool 升级安装,在过程中可能会遇到如下的提示,显示您的设备无法安装 Windows 11: 这里需要调用注册表来绕过,如果是全新安装,那么需要使用快捷键 Shift + F10打开命令提示符,然后输入 regedit,回车打开注册表,如果是升级安装,则可...
使用新版PCHealthCheck确认设备满足Win11最低系统要求 Win11正式版中文原版iso镜像及相关工具下载 Windows11正式版官方原版iso镜像 创建U盘启动盘制作工具mediacreationtoolw11 Windows11安装助手Windows11InstallationAssistant iso镜像文件校验SHA256值 三种常规方式安装Win11正式版本 ...
A lot of users have reported being the Windows 11 update not showing in Windows 10 on the Windows Update tool. If you using a PC that meets that minimum requirement, you should receive the update in a while since the roll-out is in a phased manner. However, there are ways to make th...
Is Windows 11 Requirements Check Tool Safe? Windows 11 Requirements Check Tool is widely used on Windows operating systems. In terms of safety, it is generally considered to be a safe and reliable software program. However, it’s important to download it from a reputable source, such as the ...