Windows 11 Manager v1.4.4 The complete solution to optimize, tweak, repair and clean up Windows 11 Windows 11 Manager is an all-in-one utility for Microsoft Windows 11 specially, it includes over forty different utilities to optimize, tweak, clean up, speed up and repair your Windows 11,...
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Windows 11 调整工具TweakNow WinSecret for Windows 11 中文版由大眼仔旭(发布。适用于 Windows 11 的 TweakNow WinSecret 旨在帮助用户探索 Windows 11 中的隐藏设置。此应用程序专为 Windows 11 设计。它将众多注册表设置分组,并通过简单安全的用户界面提供这些设置。 使用适用于 Windows 11 的...
TweakNow WinSecret for Windows 11是非常实用的Win11优化工具,不少用户在升级了Win11之后会发现不少功能用起来不是很顺手,特别是任务栏在中间,还有文件无法拖拽移动等等。通过这个软件都可以对其进行优化,改善您的调整体验,轻松移动任务栏位置、调整任务栏大小、使用windows 10上下文菜单样式、更改应用切换、调整任务栏透...
Tweak Power这是一款电脑系统优化工具,有内存管理、垃圾清理、数据备份、数据擦除、硬盘维护、性能调度调整等实用功能,对于不喜欢国内某些公司系统优化工具的小伙伴来说,Tweak Power也是一个不错的替代品! 首先是大家最常用的清理功能: 分类十分细致,诸如浏览器垃圾、系统垃圾、无效注册表等都能精确扫描出来! 还可对...
11 Glary Utilities 5.141 17.1 $39.97 Free version available 12 Wise Care 365 5.5.4 9.97 $29.46 Free version available 13 Razer Cortex 9.8.8 4.6 Free Free to use 14 Norton Utilities PC Cleaner 19.19 $39.99 14-day trial 15 TweakBit PCRepairKit 1.6.81 7.5 Free – 16 Avira Syste...
2025/01/29 @ 17:13:11 ASUS GPU Tweak III released 2025/01/29 @ 17:10:02 Notepad++ 8.7.6 released 2025/01/29 @ 17:07:23 NVIDIA Vulkan 1.4.305 developer driver 553.64 2025/01/24 @ 21:10:06 NVIDIA CUDA Toolkit 12.8 released 2025/01/24 @ 16:01:29 NVIDIA Blackwell ...
TweakNow WinSecret Plus 6 An all-in-one utility designed to optimize and maintain Windows 11 and 10, featuring over 20 tools to streamline your daily tasks . February 06 - 09 Special Price (20% off) : $8.99 $$7.19 Version 6.1.6 (February 06, 2025) More information... WinSecret...
TweakNow WinSecret 是一款强大的Windows 10/11 优化工具。作为 Windows 的长期用户,您可能听说过注册表。注册表是硬盘中的一个特殊文件,其中包含大部分 Windows 设置数据。希望将 Windows 任务栏移至顶部或更改任务栏大小?没问题,只需编辑注册表值即可轻松完成这些任务。不幸的是,注册表对大多数人来说不是一个友好...
UpdatedMar 11, 2019 C# 🔨 This Toolbox was made with the intentions of making it easier to reinstall, download programs, and tweak windows fully with a couple of steps to make your life easier. The toolbox has lots of links, scripts & utilities for when you reinstall windows, having ea...