Tiny11是Windows 11的非官方自定义 ISO 镜像,它去除了大部分使用率极低的默认应用程序、服务和功能,以便在原本不支持的低端硬件上安装操作系统;核心应用均有所保留。 Tiny11 23H2下载地址:https://archive.org/download/tiny-11-NTDEV/tiny11%2023H2%20x64.iso Tiny11 22H2 Beta1下载地址:https://archive.org...
Tiny11是Windows 11的非官方自定义 ISO 镜像,它去除了大部分使用率极低的默认应用程序、服务和功能,以便在原本不支持的低端硬件上安装操作系统;核心应用均有所保留。 Tiny11 23H2下载地址:https://archive.org/download/tiny-11-NTDEV/tiny11%2023H2%20x64.iso Tiny11 22H2 Beta1下载地址:https://archive.org...
tiny11-2311_archive.7z(访问密码: 5988) 重要:tiny11 2311 是未激活版本。与标准 Windows 11 映像一样,它需要正版 Windows 11 或 10 密钥。需要提醒的是,微软最近停用了旧版 Windows 7 和 8/8.1 密钥,你不能再用它们激活现代 Windows 版本。这可能就是一些 Windows 10 和 11 用户在激活系统时遇到问题的...
此外,Tiny11 删除了 Windows 组件存储(WinSxS),意味着用户无法安装新功能或者语言。 默认情况下,Tiny11 使用本地账户,但设置在线账户的选项仍然存在。但是,请注意,Windows 11 中的小部件等功能仍然需要 Microsoft 账户才能使用。 Tiny11 下载地址:https://archive.org/details/tiny-11_202302...
Tiny11 OS (Windows 11 | Archive.org If you ever wanted a smaller version of Windows 11 that only takes up 20GB of storage and runs on less than 4GB of RAM, Tiny11 is your go-to choice. View Deal What's new in Tiny11? NTDEV, the deve...
One "tiny" share from you would seriously help a lot with the growth of this blog. Some great suggestions: Pin it! Share it to your favorite blog + Facebook, Reddit Tweet it! So thank you so much for your support. It won't take more than 10 seconds of your time. The share button...
尽管这个版本的作者似乎享有相当不错的声誉(他也是Tiny10的幕后推手,这是 Windows 10 的轻量级版本),但安装这种修改后的操作系统绝非没有风险。它确实必须在必要的警告下完成,微软在原始版本的 Windows 11 中放置的某些安全元素已被删除。
你可以从Internet Archive下载用于ARM64的tiny11 core。镜像文件的重量略高于3GB,完整安装大约需要8GB的存储空间。 如果您喜欢磁盘占用更小、臃肿程度更低的轻量级Windows 11,可以去寻找tiny11版本2311。它基于Windows 11版本23H2精简而来,提供了普通消费者对现代PC的一切需求。与tiny11 core不同,标准tiny11不会降低安全...
Differences Between Tiny11 And Windows 11 Tiny11 is based on Windows 11 Pro 22H2 so, obviously, the core functionality remains pretty much the same. The major difference is in the resources each uses with Tiny11 requiring less disk space and resources. The developer has significantly reduced th...
https://archive.org/details/tiny-11_202302 It seems like just a stripped version of Windows (using those open source tools), and then converted to an image. To alleviate concerns, we can actually do this ourselves: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/windows-hardware/manufactur...