进入Download文件夹,右键解压,打开Make Windows 11 Look Like macOS (Tech Rifle)文件夹。 打开1. 7TSP Icon Theme文件夹,找到7tsp GUI v0.6(2019).exe,右键以管理员身份运行。 打开后点击Add a Custon Pack, 选择Make Windows 11 Look Like macOS (Tech Rifle)-1. 7TSP Icon Theme-7tsp Big Sur LightMo...
Windows 11 已经类似于 macOS,但如果您想进一步定制它并使其看起来像 Apple 的操作系统,那么 macOS Monterey Pack 就是您的不二之选。 这不仅仅是一个简单的背景,您只需将其用作墙纸,它还是一个 Windows 11 现代皮肤包,它还将更改您的图标、任务栏、按钮和窗口。 发布者建议您在安装此皮肤包之前卸载任何其他...
Just like Start11, it's a paid app, but this one costs $19.99 on Stardock's website and Steam.WindowBlinds comes with a few themes by default, including many based on past Windows versions such as Windows 7, XP, and even one based on macOS. For each theme, you can change settings ...
但 Windows11 被隐藏在设置应用程序中(右键单击音量指示器并选择“打开音量合成器”),所以 EarTrumpet 工具来了。它在通知区域中放置另一个音量指示器,单击该图标打开一个弹出窗口,包含您的音频输出设备和正在播放声音的应用程序。 https://www.microsoft.com/store/productId/9NBLGGH516XP QuickLook macOS 的桌面...
Transform your Windows 10 and Windows 11 into MacOS various versions such as. MacOS X, El Capitan, Sierra, Big Sur, Monterey, Catalina with these theme packs.
二、在 macOS 上下载Microsoft Remote Desktop(MRD)客户端,在 app Store 下载 IOS 上同样可以下载到 Microsoft Remote Desktop 客户端(RD Client)。 三、令 Windows 主机和安装有 MRD 客户端的 Mac / IOS 设备处于同一局域网内,在 Windows 系统中找到「网络与 Internet 设置」,或打开路由器设置页面,或其他网络...
This tutorial will show you how to change the theme in Microsoft Edge for your account in Windows 10 and Windows 11. The Microsoft Edge web browser is based on Chromium and was released on January 15, 2020. It is compatible with all supported versions of Windows, and macOS. With speed.....
但到目前为止,Insider build中交付的测试版本并没有使用黑暗模式作为默认桌面,而选择了Light Theme。 有一些测试用户随之就提出了自己的担心,因为“深色模式”并非每个显示器上效果都好,而且对于年长的眼睛来说,较暗的屏幕可能不太便于他们的阅读。 03 开启Win11系统“深色模式” ...
rdbende/Sun-Valley-ttk-theme Star2.1k Code Issues Pull requests Discussions A gorgeous theme for Tkinter/ttk, based on the Sun Valley visual style ✨ pythonthemeawesomeuimoderndark-themetktkinterfluentttkgorgeoustkinter-guipython-guitcl-tkwindows-11winuiwinui3windows11sun-valleysv-ttk ...
Microsoft could introduce a new Windows architecture based on ARM, containers, and all that stuff to make Windows behave more like Apple does with iPad and MacOS Monterey on Apple Silicon. But does it have the technical expertise and the ability to implement it?