电脑健康检查互联网连接和 Microsoft 帐户供个人使用的 Windows 11 专业版以及 Windows 11 家庭版在进行首次设备设置时,需要连接网络和一个Microsoft 帐户。 将设备切换出 Windows 11 家庭版 S 模式也需要有互联网连接。在此处进一步了解 S 模式。 所有的 Windows 11 版本都需要联网才能执行更新,以及下载和利用某些功...
也就是说,如果您电脑的操作系统是32位的,您需要在安装Windows 11之前格式化硬盘;如果您的计算机的CPU是32位的,则需要更换CPU。并且只有当您的计算机操作系统和CPU都使用64位架构时,您的计算机才能达到升级Windows11的基本配置要求。 ☛CPU兼容性 CPU兼容性是指计算机上安装的CPU型号。几个月前,微软已经公布了Window...
and the minimum system requirements for Windows 11. Subsequently released and future generations of processors which meet the same principles will be considered as supported, even if not explicitly listed. It is expected that the processor list will not reflect the most current offerings from processo...
"2021-06-25T11:57:15.827-07:00","confirmEmailStatus":null},"followersCount":null,"solutionsCount":0},"ForumTopicMessage:message:2486756":{"__typename":"ForumTopicMessage","uid":2486756,"subject":"Windows 11 CPU Requirements: Intel and AMD based CPUs","id":"message:24...
最后,按微软所说,预计不久后 Windows 11 就将正式推出,届时你会升级系统吗? https://blogs.windows.com/windows-insider/2021/08/27/update-on-windows-11-minimum-system-requirements-and-the-pc-health-check-app/ https://www.theverge.com/2021/8/28/22646035/microsoft-windows-11-iso-workaround-no-up...
and the minimum system requirements for Windows 11. Subsequently released and future generations of processors which meet the same principles will be considered as supported, even if not explicitly listed. It is expected that the processor list will not reflect the most current offerings ...
Windows 11对CPU的要求有多高?按照最早官方公布的信息显示,新系统将只能支持2000系或以上的AMD锐龙CPU...
When Microsoft first announcedWindows 11, it increased the system requirements for the OS for the first time since Windows 7 was released. While there were increases in the amount of RAM and storage needed, and there's a TPM 2.0 requirement, the biggest change came toCPU requirements. Wit...
On Windows 11 system requirements: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_11#System_requirements On discrete TPM vs. firmware TPM (and others): https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trusted_Platform_Module#TPM_implementations 1 Like Reply siddhartha Journeyman III 07-16-2021 08:01 AM I am...