系统版本:Windows 11(21H2) 品牌型号:联想小新Pro 16 2022 软件版本:Windows Settings 一、暂停更新设置 1、打开Windows设置(Windows Settings),点击"Windows更新"(Windows Update)选项。 2、在"Windows更新"页面中,点击"暂停更新"(Pause updates)下拉菜单。 3、在下拉菜单中选择你希望暂停更新的时间,最长可暂停35天...
If you don’t want to update your Windows 11 system for some reasons, this post provides 5 ways for how to stop Windows 11 updates. Check the step-by-step guide to disable automatic updates on Windows 11. From MiniTool Software official website, you can find more computer tips and ...
If you are looking for an easy way tostop Windows 11 updates, you can run third-party software - EaseUS Clean Genius. With this tool, you can disable Windows 11 automatic updates permanently without wasting your time. Run this tool and follow the instructions below. Do you prefer a one-c...
If you want to enable Windows 11 automatic updates again, just alter the policy back to Enabled. #3 How to Disable Windows 11 Automatic Updates via Task Scheduler? Besides, you can take advantage of Windows Task Scheduler to stop your auto system updates. Search, find, and open Task Schedul...
一、Windows系统更新(Windows System Updates) 1.1 通过设置关闭更新(Disabling Updates via Settings) 在Windows 10和Windows 11中,用户可以通过系统设置来关闭更新。以下是具体步骤:点击“开始”菜单,选择“设置”(Settings)。 在设置窗口中,选择“更新和安全”(Update & Security)。 点击“Windows更新”(Windows Updat...
Part 1.Why Do You Stop Automatic Updates on Windows Part 2.How to Turn Off Automatic Updates on Windows 10/11 Part 3.How to Uninstall a Windows Update Part 1. Why Do You Stop Automatic Updates on Windows Although Windows automatic updates are designed to improve and correct errors in the...
Manually disable and turn off automatic Windows updates, stop Windows 10 and Windows 11 from automatically updating your PC. Permanently block Windows Updates and enable them when needed
How to stop receiving automatic Windows 11 updates using Registry Editor For a more permanent solution, you can stop Windows 11 updates using the Registry Editor. It's worth mentioning that you should always be careful when using the Registry Editor as some changes can cause big problems, so ...
How to stop Windows 10 automatic updates or pause Windows 11 updates
Part 3. Pause Windows 11 Updates for Every Week Turning off the automatic updates or disabling the update service is not the only solution to stop your Windows 10 from an update. You can also take help from a temporary solution that can be changed whenever you change your mind regarding Win...