更改或添加相应的键值:在System项下,可能需要新建一个DWORD值(32位),命名为“EnableStartupSound”,并将其数值设为1,代表启用开机音效。 4、使用专用软件修改 选择合适的软件:据介绍,可以使用某些第三方软件来更改开机音效,如“Startup Sound Changer”,使用这类软件可以简化修改过程。 下载并安装软件:从可信的来源...
I have already changed the registry and was able to change the startup sound to the one I want. However it's still using the default Windows system sound I know I am late to the party, but the easiest way to change the startup sound is to use the S...
点击对应的声音替换 但是win10/11里并没有给普通用户以随心替换开关机以及登录注销声音的权利(太损了),因此有几个小工具可以用一用。 小工具 1) startup sound changer 这是一个修改开机音的工具,直接点击打开。 简单粗暴的工具 点击“play”播放现在的开机音。 点击“Replace”替换现在的开机音,替换方法和前面...
I know I am late to the party, but the easiest way to change the startup sound is to use the StartupSoundChanger program. https://startup-sound-changer.en.softonic.com/?ex=RAMP-2639.0 I found it's by far the easiest way to do it. No registry hacking or tas...
To change the startup sound in Windows 11 or 10, you can use a tool called “Startup Sound Changer.” This tool lets you switch the startup sound easily without messing with the registry or system files at all. Download “Startup Sound Changer” from:https://ccm.net/downloads/tools/68...
Download Startup Sound Changer - free - latest versionstartup-sound-changer.en.softonic.com/download 下载完成后点击安装,可能会安装一些运行软件必须的 .NET 资源,点击继续下载安装。然后再次打开这个软件后,点击中间的 Replace 按钮,将上面的音乐文件进行替换即可。 需要注意的是,下载下来的音乐是 .mp3 格...
Startup Sound Changer - change your Windows startup.Startup Sound Changer allows you to change startup sound in Windows 7 and Windows Vista (what plays on
Discover the latest tips and tricks about Windows 11/10, web browsers, freeware, and essential tools on GearUpWindows.com. Our expert writers provide in-depth analysis and practical advice to help you optimize your Windows experience. From boosting your
Thursday, August 18, 2016 11:54 PM You may try the following. It works on Windows 10 also: Startup Sound Changer S.Sengupta, Windows Insider MVP Friday, August 19, 2016 12:37 AM Thanks. I tried that previously and it allows me to change the "Windows Startup" sound but not the "Wi...
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