It's not possible to pin an app in more than one location in this section, whether on the same page or on different pages.All apps sectionThis appears when a user clicks on All apps in the upper-right corner of the Start menu. All Apps is a comprehensive list, in alphabetical order,...
It's not possible to pin an app in more than one location in this section, whether on the same page or on different pages.All apps sectionThis appears when a user clicks on All apps in the upper-right corner of the Start menu. All Apps is a comprehensive list, in alphabetical order,...
请使用以下Shell命令或运行命令为当前登录的用户打开“启动”文件夹: 在文本框中键入shell:startup,然后单击OK。 键入:%appdata%\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup,然后按回车。 键入:\users\%username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup,然后按回车键。 请使用以下Shell命...
在桌面右键新建快捷方式,输入路径“C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe”,命名为“记事本”。 按下Win+R 键,输入“shell:Common Start Menu”,将快捷方式粘贴到“Programs”文件夹中。现在,经典记事本将出现在开始菜单中。 如何恢复新版记事本? 如果用户希望重新使用新版记事本,只需删除经典记事本的快捷方式,并在注...
按下Win+R 键,输入“shell:Common Start Menu”,将快捷方式粘贴到“Programs”文件夹中。现在,经典记事本将出现在开始菜单中。 如何恢复新版记事本? 如果用户希望重新使用新版记事本,只需删除经典记事本的快捷方式,并在注册表编辑器中删除“txtfilelegacy”下的“Open”子键。最后,在“设置”中重新启用“Store Not...
Windows 11, Start button menu, make it show all apps by default I upgraded to Windows 11 this week and I don't like the new Start button menu. I don't want "pinned" apps. I want to see All Apps in a list like before. Why don't we get the option to choose ...
Hello, I asked this question before but maybe the meaning was not clear. With the new Windows 11 22H2 version, it is now possible to manually create groups of applications in the start menu. I would like to script the creation of group of apps, or,…
在桌面右键新建快捷方式,输入路径“C:\Windows\System32\notepad.exe”,命名为“记事本”。按下 Win+R 键,输入“shell:Common Start Menu”,将快捷方式粘贴到“Programs”文件夹中。现在,经典记事本将出现在开始菜单中。如何恢复新版记事本?如果用户希望重新使用新版记事本,只需删除经典记事本的快捷方式,并在...
I upgraded to Windows 11 this week and I don't like the new Start button menu. I don't want "pinned" apps. I want to see All Apps in a list like before. Why don't we get the option to choose how w... To disable the Classic Start Menu, and re-enable the ...
{ "pinnedList": [ {"desktopAppLink": "%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start Menu\\Programs\\Microsoft Edge.lnk" }, { "packagedAppId": "windows.immersivecontrolpanel_cw5n1h2txyewy!" }, { "desktopAppLink": "%APPDATA%\\Microsoft\\Windows\\Start...