This post teaches you how to download Snipping Tool (Snip & Sketch) for Windows 10/11 to use it to take screenshots on your PC. Some top free snipping tools for Windows 10/11 are also provided for your reference. To find solutions for more computer problems, you may visitMiniTool Software...
Sniptool Sniptool 是一种屏幕捕获工具,可让您捕获桌面的一个或多个选定区域,并使用可选注释保存它们。您可以将多个捕获合并到一个画布中,并添加文本、箭头、编号项目符号和形状来注释您的捕获。您还可以模糊图像的一部分以保护隐私。您完成的屏幕截图可以保存为 JPG、BMP、TIF 或 PNG 文件。它易于使用,而且是...
界面上,Sniptool 与 Windows 10 自带的截图工具相似。常见的区域截图、窗口截图、套索截图这些功能两者都有提供,而 Sniptool 还提供了「open editor」(打开编辑器)的选项,可以方便用户直接打开编辑器进行标注。 在截图的过程中,Sniptool 能够实现边缘的像素级的控制(需勾选放大镜选项)。 像素级控制 截图完成之后,点...
Capture Areas Of Your Desktop And Annotate. Snip tool is a screen capture tool that lets you capture one or more selected areas on your desktop and save it with optional annotations. You can combine multiple captures into one canvas and add text, a
首先,我们来看看Windows 11自带的两个截图工具:Snipping Tool(截图工具)和Snip & Sketch(截图与草图)。 Snipping Tool:这是Windows的经典截图工具,可以让用户在屏幕上自由选择要截图的区域。无论是矩形截图、任意形状截图,还是全屏截图,Snipping Tool都能轻松应对。它的操作非常简单,只需打开工具,选择截图模式,然后用...
The Windows Snipping Tool captures all or part of your PC screen. After you capture a snip, it's automatically copied to the Snipping Tool window. From there you can edit, save, or share the snip. Applies To:Excel for Microsoft 365, Word for Microsoft 365, Outlook for Microsoft 365, Po...
界面上,Sniptool 与 Windows 10 自带的截图工具相似。常见的区域截图、窗口截图、套索截图这些功能两者都有提供,而 Sniptool 还提供了「open editor」(打开编辑器)的选项,可以方便用户直接打开编辑器进行标注。 在截图的过程中,Sniptool 能够实现边缘的像素级的控制(需勾选放大镜选项)。
Snipping Tool The old Snip & Sketch has been replaced by the Snipping Tool. This tool has been revamped with new features, including a delay timer for screenshots, the ability to take still images and screen recordings, and the ability to capture and redact sensitive information from screenshots...
当中截图工具(Snipping Tool)算是比较大改变的一个,它现在整合了原来的截图工具以及Snip & Sketch(这个在Windows 10上就是没有中文名的)两个,前者大家也不陌生,而后面一个是截了图之后,还可以在上面手写画图加标注,所以其实功能上是很大重复的,两者整合才是合理,现在截图工具仍保持了徽标键+Shift+S的...
Best screenshot tool with public source code suitable for development works Learn More 4.3Windows Snip & Sketch Windows 10 native screenshot app with free form screenshotting feature Learn More 4.3OBS Studio Free multimedia broadcasting app with screenshotting features but lacks image annotations ...