Windows 11 Build 22635.3130 is now available to insiders in the Beta channel. Starting this build, you now have the option to stop receiving new Insider builds. Also, the Snap Assists feature in this build supports smart layouts that can arrange multiple apps in one go. Traditionally, som... 0. 安装Snap及Snapcraft 原则上高版本Ubuntu都自带了Snap的支持,但是如果想要补充安装或卸载重装,可以基于如下命令: sudo apt-get install snapd && sudo apt-get install snapcraft 1. 搜索指定包 sudo snap find$targetPackage 例如: sudo snap find vscode 2. 安装指定包 sudo sna...
Get the most out of Windows 11 Snipping Tool Explore ways the Snipping Tool can take a snapshot to copy words or images from all or part of your PC screen. Use the Snipping Tool to make changes or notes, then save and share when you use Windows. Learn more Windows Backup With ...
修复了在某些情况下,手指在屏幕上滑动时可能会导致轨迹意外变红或不可见的问题。 如果您没有安装 Chinese (Simplified) IME,它不应再显示为Settings > Personalization > Text Input > Custom Theme下的自定义选项。 如果连接了 Xbox 控制器,使用它与游戏交互不应再导致意外弹出消息“没有支持的应用程序正在使用麦克...
The Photos app in Windows 11 gathers photos from your PC, phone, cloud storage accounts, and other devices, and puts them in one place where you can more easily find what you’re looking for. Learn more Snap your windows Snap layouts can place the windows you need perfectly side...
Use the Snap feature in Windows 11 Snapping a window into full screen Click the title bar of a window and drag it to the top edge of the screen until you can se...
Windows 11 也不允许用户将应用程序/快捷方式拖放到任务栏上。在 Windows 10 和更早的版本中,你可以从桌面或资源管理器拖放应用程序到任务栏,Windows 会自动生成一个快捷方式。 不过现在,Windows 任务栏添加了一项名为“Snap Groups”的新功能,它可以让你轻松地切换回被 snapped 的窗口。当你将两个或更多的应用程...
The Photos app in Windows 11 gathers photos from your PC, phone, cloud storage accounts, and other devices, and puts them in one place where you can more easily find what you’re looking for. Learn more Snap your windows Snap layouts can place the windows you need perfectly ...
Windows 11 2022更新以简洁直观的设计风格为导向,带来了不少全新特性,提高易用性。比如“开始”菜单的更新重塑、更加快速和准确的搜索、快速设置(Quick Settings)、优化后小组件界面中的本地新闻和最新消息。还有大家期盼多年的文件资源管理器中的标签页(Tabs),也将于10月份正式上线。有了标签页,可以在同一个...
Windows Snapping. Snap Assist allows you to quickly organize and align open Windows on your screen for efficient multitasking. It allows you to snap Windows into predefined layouts, making it easier to work with multiple apps simultaneously. Drag a window to the left or right edge of the screen...