Microsoft.Windows.Appraiser.General.DecisionTpmVersionStartSyncDecisionTpmVersionStartSync イベントは、DecisionTpmVersionAdd イベントの新しいセットが送信されることを示します。 このイベントは、TPM に関する互換性の決定を行うために使用されます。 Microsoft ではこの情報を使用して、更新プ...
其实可信平台模块(Trusted Platform Module,简称TPM)是一项比较古老的安全技术了,只不过之前的操作系统都没有强制要求,其103版本在2009年就已经被接受为ISO标准(ISO/IEC11889),全球有上亿的各类终端都配备了TPM安全芯片,不过到目前为止占据主要市场的还是TPM1.2。 TPM2.0与TPM1.2芯片不兼容,在上层软件链成熟前,TPM1.2...
描述 管理用于在标识提供者中对用户进行身份验证的本地用户标识密钥和 TPM 虚拟智能卡。 如果你禁用此服务,系统将无法访问本地用户标识密钥和 TPM 虚拟智能卡。 建议不要重新配置此服务。 安装 仅用于桌面体验 启动类型 Manual 建议 可以禁用 备注 None Microsoft 软件卷影复制提供程序 展开表 名称说明 ...
If you disable this service, the system can't access local user identity keys and TPM virtual smart cards. We recommend you don't reconfigure this service. Installation Only with Desktop Experience Startup type Manual Recommendation OK to disable Comments None Microsoft Software Shadow Copy Provider...
CD3D11_BOX::operator const D3D11_BOX&() method (Windows) operator *=(XMVECTOR&, XMVECTOR) method (Windows) Description element (Windows) Guid element (Windows) Link element (Windows) D2D1_POINT_2L structure (Windows) IEvent::SetUserTime method (Windows) DeviceController.remove_DeviceArrival ...
To learn more about the declaration of functions for 32-bit Windows APIs, see32-bit API functions. Note: You can integrate Windows constants into your projects with theExternkeyword, using the following syntax: EXTERN WinConst.wl A B
Abe’to nlisesatley nlliget FkxtwSofyf, “Okn’r rryow. J ckxd iyurtsec coedver.” Wait, what? Uuj bkd eoticn rrqs xhh udcol rak yrv toxuniece oiclyp jn c Dytbv Liyloc Qbtecj, byr zcxf odeerivr rj hp snuig c aemtparer xl PowerShell.exe? Mrsd kbvp aj z KEQ-dtncrlo...
11bV%p %38}1FBLo)T zn#@}A887;z_8{rfU%Ti*3!gms-6pLpQI=;1Jyp8i&PCKGr;4KAN&*6-(zO%Ki*poG z%$15|5JoN|za!Z<)hihjodp`A!tc$km#sLCx(HbMMU(_;W0nhE*L60hyk9!3YhVLc zaX)d{#xp1-F;w|7C<1YIS0K5Y^`>W8M|tt!iiBN?WHeuMr$^~)q=n%w$D89VLnn$K z9BZS-VZ7D#^...
Service name seclogon Description Enables starting processes under alternate credentials. If you stop this service, this method of signing in becomes unavailable. If you disable this service, any services that explicitly depend on it become unable to start. Installation Alw...
RemoteTpmVirtualSmartCardManager class (Windows) InterlockedAddNoFence64 function (Windows) InterlockedCompareExchange16Release function (Windows) IPlaybackManager interface (Windows) IgnorePassword (Windows) ProfileConditionedOn (Windows) roamApplicabilityType Simple Type (Windows) InkDesktopHost.QueueWorkItem ...