Windows 11 显示屏和屏幕阅读功能可以让你按自己的方式浏览内容,或者完全跳过屏幕。 全新产品 讲述人 使用Windows 的内置屏幕阅读器“讲述人”来听取屏幕上的内容。“讲述人”功能可以让浏览内容变得更简单,它能够以自然、人性化的语声来描述图像 3 , 甚至能够和兼容的盲文设备结合使用。 使用“讲述人” 颜色...
✅ Windows 11: "Show Desktop Icons" must be true for Ctrl+N to open a new File Explorer...:Recently moved from Windows 10 to 11... As the title states, from the Desktop, Ctrl+N does nothing unless you have "Show Desktop Icons" checked as...
Get Windows 11 Find the right PC for you Choose your PC There’s a PC that’s right for everyone. See which computer works best for your life. Get a PC Find a PC that meets your needs What’s new in Windows 11 Windows 11 is more powerful than ever. Discover the latest features to...
设置Windows 11 电脑时连接 修复Windows 的蓝牙问题 如何使用电脑运行状况检查应用 安装快速助手 通过Xbox 游玩 PC 游戏的全部内容 更新Windows 备份BitLocker 恢复密钥 修复打印机连接和打印问题 桌面主题 如何在 Windows 11 中使用任务栏 Windows 中的键盘快捷方式 如果...
2Enable Show Desktop on Taskbar step 4 Enable_show_desktop_on_far_corner_of_taskbar.reg Download Code: Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00 [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Advanced] "TaskbarSd"=dword:00000001 ...
If Show desktop is missing or not working in Windows 11/10, you may: Turn on the feature using the Settings app Turn off Tablet mode Restart File Explorer Create a desktop shortcut Re-register this DLL Go back to the previous version Reset Windows 11/10. We hope that this post was of...
Enabling desktop icons Note:If you notice a checkbox next toShow desktop icons, your Windows 11 installation should already have icons enabled. In that case, proceed to the next method. After selectingShow desktop items, your desktop should refresh automatically, and the icons should reappear. ...
In File Explorer, when you right-click items in the left pane, the “New Folder” command appears on the context menu. You can now share directly to apps that support sharing in Windows. Just right-click local files in File Explorer or on the desktop. ...
● 修复了单击“任务视图”按钮时使 explorer.exe 崩溃的问题。● 修复了聊天窗口卡在屏幕上的问题。● 单击辅助监视器上的聊天现在应该以正确的位置和 DPI 启动它。● 已经做了一些工作来解决任务栏预览窗口卡在屏幕上并且在您单击其他内容时不会关闭的问题。● 为了解决在将焦点设置到任务栏的情况下按 F7 会...
Now you can click a biggerShow desktoptaskbar button to hide all open windows. The shortcut will have a default folder library icon that matches theFile Explorerbutton. So, it’s a good idea to change the icon for the Show desktop shortcut before pinning it to the taskbar. This is how ...