I upgraded to Windows 11 this week and I don't like the new Start button menu. I don't want "pinned" apps. I want to see All Apps in a list like before. Why don't we get the option to choose how w... I understand that frustration, I think it should be an...
{"__ref":"Forum:board:Windows11"},"subject":"Re: Windows 11, Start button menu, make it show all apps by default","readOnly":false,"editFrozen":false,"moderationData":{"__ref":"ModerationData:moderation_data:3045266"},"parent":{"__ref":"ForumReplyMessage:message:3...
对于Windows 11,我们通过若干方式改进了“共享”对话框的行为。 就近共享的可发现性设置现在位于对话框顶部,底部提供了更多设置。 现在,所有应用都可以作为目标参与“共享”对话框,包括未打包的桌面应用和通过 Microsoft Edge 安装的 PWA。 如果使用外部位置来打包以前未打包的桌面应用,则该应用可以作为目标参与“共享”...
Creativity meets intelligence Use AI to focus on the moments that matter most. Edit your photos and videos with Windows 11. Learn more Start your Windows 11 journey Get the help you need to make your switch to Windows 11 simple and start enjoying all that Windows has to offer.How...
3 When you open apps for the first time on your new Windows 11 PC, some will reinstall when you first open them. Other apps may require you to reinstall them manually from the original app provider. 4 Using Windows Backup to restore to a Windows 11 PC requires you to sign in during...
Celebrating Windows 11 PC innovations announced at CES Windows Experience Blog View all recent posts Windows 11 Get to know Windows 11, the Windows that brings you closer to what you love. January 6, 2025 CES 2025: The year of the Windows 11 PC refresh ...
贴靠布局是 Windows 11 中的一项新功能,用户可通过该布局了解强大的窗口贴靠功能。 通过将鼠标悬停在窗口的最大化按钮上或按 Win + Z,可以轻松访问对齐布局。调用显示可用布局的菜单后,用户可以单击布局中的区域,将窗口对齐到该特定区域,然后使用“贴靠助手”完成整个窗口布局的生成。 对齐布局根据当前屏幕大小和方...
Microsoft 辅助功能 API 残障和易访问性简介 One Dev Minute:开发辅助功能应用 Windows 11 辅助功能为每个人提供支持 使鼠标指针更易于查看 博客和新闻 Microsoft 易访问性领域的最新内容。 社区和支持 Windows 开发人员和用户见面并一起学习的地方。
由Windows 10 開始,除了界面有大改進外,在「開始」功能上多了一個名為「釘選程式(Pin to Start)」的功能,即使在 Windows 11 上也可看到。它的原意是,給用家把常用的程式置於「開始」的顯眼位置,不必每每翻頁找程式。 Windows 11 的 Pin to Start / Pinned apps ...
[Windows 11/10] Using Camera and Microphone [Windows 11/10] Troubleshooting - Camera problemApplicable Products: Notebook, Desktop, All-in-One PCCamera is integrated on laptops and All-in-One PCs, and you can use external USB camera on desktops. If you experience the following camera problems...