Windows 11 Home requires you to sign in with a Microsoft account during initial setup. Beginning with version 22H2, so does Windows 11 Pro when you choose the option to set it up for personal use. You can work around this restriction by entering the addressno@thankyou.comas your Microso...
Set up your user account. This includes creating a password and choosing a security question. You can also set up your account to use two-factor authentication for added security. Install your essential programs. This includes programs that you use for work, school, or personal use. You can ...
截至目前,VMware Fusion 尚未正式支持 Apple silicon 处理器或 Windows 11 ARM64 版,但于 9 月了一个技术预览版(免费,但需要注册 VMware 账号)。根据 VMware 发布的,Windows 10 或 11 的支持是隐藏的,需要通过手动修改参数的方法才能启用。 用VMware Fusion 安装 Windows 11 的具体步骤是:下载安装后打开 VMware ...
Enter the email address of the new user or select “I don’t have this person’s sign-in information” to create a local account. Follow the prompts to complete the account setup. Creating a Local Account in Windows 10 If you prefer to create a local user account without linking to a ...
DatasourceApplicationFile_21H1Setup 此设备上的这一特定对象类型的计数。 DatasourceDevicePnp_19H1Setup 此设备上存在的此特定对象类型的数量计数。 DatasourceDevicePnp_20H1Setup 此设备上存在的此特定对象类型的数量计数。 DatasourceDevicePnp_21H1Setup 此设备上的这一特定对象类型的计数。 DatasourceDriverPacka...
1.创建Windows 11启动盘并启动安装程序。2.在“此电脑无法运行Windows 11”提示界面,按下Shift + F10打开命令提示符。3.输入regedit并按回车,打开注册表编辑器。4.在注册表中导航到以下路径:HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup 5.右键点击Setup,选择新建>项,将新建项命名为LabConfig。6.选中LabConfig,在右侧...
It is often an email address or a username that is associated with a Microsoft account, or a local account name created by the user during the account setup process. For example, let's say you created a Microsoft account with the email address "". The username ...
如果用户选择在不满足要求的设备上安装 Windows 11,并了解相关风险,可以通过创建以下注册表键值来绕过 TPM 2.0(至少需要 TPM 1.2)以及 CPU 系列和型号的检查。 注册表路径: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\Setup\MoSetup 键名:AllowUpgradesWithUnsupportedTPMOrCPU 类型:REG_DWORD 值:1 注意:如果用户通过注册表编辑器或...
Windows 11 和 Windows 10 必要條件 以至少驗證原則管理員的身分登入Microsoft Entra 系統管理中心,啟用 Microsoft Entra 自助式密碼重設。 用戶必須先註冊 SSPR,才能在使用此功能 不僅限於從 Windows 登入畫面使用 SSPR,所有使用者必須先提供驗證的聯絡資訊,才能重設其密碼。
所以现在大家可以使用这两条命令中的任意一条以便绕过TPM、CPU、安全启动 , 在本地升级Windows 11。下面是具体使用方法:1;#进入E盘2;cd E:\3;#假装自己是服务器4;setup.exe /product server5;#假如解压后的安装文件位于 F:\ISO6;cd F:\ISO7;#假装自己是服务器8;setup.exe /product server 要...