Click [Sign in with a local account instead]③. Select [Next]④ to verify your identity. Enter the PIN code you use currently⑤. After the verification is completed, please enter the User name, Password, and Password hint which you want to set up for the local account⑥, and then selec...
Windows 11 Home requires you to sign in with a Microsoft account during initial setup. Beginning with version 22H2, so does Windows 11 Pro when you choose the option to set it up for personal use. You can work around this restriction by entering the addressno@thankyou.comas your Microsoft ...
Windows 11Windows 10 创建密码重置磁盘是一项预防措施,可让你在忘记密码时重置 Windows 本地帐户密码。 密码重置磁盘是一种 U 盘,充当恢复工具,可让你在忘记密码时重新获得对文件和设置的访问权限。 它特别有用,因为它可以避免失去对帐户和数据的访问权限的麻烦,尤其是当你不使用可以在线重置密码的 Microsoft 帐户...
While installing, you are allowed to create local account if you don't have Internet and you want to continue with limited setup. After installation, you can follow this guide to switch to local account: Note that swi...
Installing Windows 11 on unsupported hardware may not be in compliance with Microsoft's terms of service and can lead to technical issues. It's advisable to use it on compatible systems to ensure proper functionality and legal usage. 2. Can I revert to my previous operating system if Windows...
在应用 2023 年 3 月 21 日或之后的 Windows 更新之前,请在 Windows 10 或 Windows 11 设备上为每个本地帐户创建以下注册表项。 注册表位置 HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\ CurrentVersion\CloudExperienceHost\Inten...
Click Add account under “Other users.” Follow the prompts to add a Microsoft account or create a local account. To enable multiple users on Windows 11, you can modify the termsrv.dll file to remove user limitations or use software solutions like V2 Cloud for simultaneous access. ...
How to Launch Windows 11 without Password Thepassword'sprimary aim is to keep prying eyes away from your computer.If you use a local account, you can bypass the login screen and go straight to your Windows desktop every time you power up. However, if you're logged in using a Microsoft ...
选择“还原默认 MDM URL”,验证“MDM 使用条款 URL”是否已设置为。 选择“保存”。 出现错误。 错误80180026:“出现问题。 确认你正在使用正确的登录信息,并且你的组织使用此功能。 可以尝试再次执行此操作,或使用错误代码 80180026 与系统管理员联系。” ...