(AudioEndpointBuilder)手动🟢 确定禁用管理 Windows 音频服务的音频设备。 如果停止此服务,音频设备和效果将无法正常工作。 如果禁用此服务,则显式依赖它的任何服务都无法启动。 Windows 备份 (SDRSVC)手动🟢 确定禁用提供Windows 备份和还原功能。 Windows 生物识别服务 ...
V2: A normál ASUS Notebookok esetén a legtöbb modell beépített ICE Audio Wizard alkalmazással rendelkezik, és ezzel fokozhatja az audiókat. További információk:ICE Audio Wizard (ICE Sound) - Bevezetés. A Gamer Notebookok esetén - mivel az audio alkalmazások különbözőek...
Windows Audio (Audiosrv)手動🟢 無効にしてもよいWindows ベースのプログラムのオーディオを管理します。 このサービスが停止している場合、オーディオ デバイスとエフェクトが正常に機能しません。 このサービスが無効になっている場合、これに明示的に依存しているすべてのサービスが開始に...
[JAVÍTVA] „Az Outlook a mappa néhány vagy egyetlen elemét sem tudta helyreállítani” hibaüzenet jelenik meg a törölt elemek visszaállításakor [KERÜLŐ MEGOLDÁS] A partnercsoportok nem kereshetők az Automatikus kiegészíté...
Audio Windows.Media.Capture Windows.Media.Capture.Core Windows.Media.Capture.Frames Windows.Media.Casting Windows.Media.ClosedCaptioning Windows.Media.ContentRestrictions Windows.Media.Control Windows.Media.Core Windows.Media.Core.Preview Windows.Media.Devices Windows.Media.Devices.Core Windows.Media.Dial...
vă permite să descărcați cu încredere orice aplicație de care aveți nevoie fără a vă face griji, blocând aplicațiile care nu sunt de încredere sau nesemnate, fișierele script și macrocomenzile rău intenționate să ruleze p...
este modificat semnificativ în Windows 11, inclusiv următoarele perimări și eliminări cheie: Grupurile și folderele denumite ale aplicațiilor nu mai sunt acceptate, iar aspectul este în prezent redimensionabil. Aplicațiile și site-urile fixate nu vor mi...
An dësem Artikel Added for Windows Media Player for Windows XP Added for Windows Media Player 9 Series Added for Windows Media Player 10 Added for Windows Media Player 11 Related topics [The feature associated with this page,Windows Media Player SDK, is a legacy feature. It has been supers...
Quality Windows Audio Video ExperienceQWAVEStoppedManual Radio Management ServiceRmSvcRunningManual Recommended Troubleshooting ServiceTroubleshootingSvcStoppedManual Remote Access Auto Connection ManagerRasAutoStoppedManual Remote Access Connection ManagerRasManStoppedManual ...
Find the Audio icon at the bottom, right corner. Right-click the icon. SelectSoundsorOpen Sound settings. ClickPlayback devicesor select thePlaybacktab. View the Audio Playback devices and find the one that matches with the Notebook. For example: For the ThinkPad X1 Carbon system, findSpeak...