在Windows 11 中,用户配置文件(User Profile)是存储与用户帐户相关的个人设置、桌面配置、应用程序数据、文档、桌面图标等信息的文件夹。用户配置文件使得每个用户的环境和设置保持一致,允许用户在不同计算机上使用相同的设置和文件。 用户配置文件的基本概念 本地配置文件(Local Profile): 这类配置文件会在本机计算机上...
Get Windows 11 Easy to work, play, and go about your day. Use the intuitive Windows 11. Get Windows 11 Find the right PC for you Choose your PC There’s a PC that’s right for everyone. See which computer works best for your life. ...
There are a lot of instances that require you to migrate your Windows 11 user profile to a new user account. You may want to perform the Windows 11 copy profile to new user task because you have lost your PC, or you are just upgrading from an old PC to a new one. How to copy an...
名稱數值Description SyncEnabled 0 已啟用同步。 SyncDisabledByUser 1 使用者已停用同步處理。 SyncDisabledByGroupPolicy 2 群組原則停用同步。切換屬性展開資料表 名稱類型描述 toggleState map<wstring,CloudStorePolicyEnum> 同步原則和 CloudStorePolicy 選項的對應,用戶喜好設定。 同步原則名稱的允許值如下所...
在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows\OneDrive 中创建名为 DisableFileSyncNGSC 的REG_DWORD 注册表设置,值为 1(一)。 -和 - 启用组策略:计算机配置>管理模板>Windows 组件>OneDrive>阻止OneDrive 生成网络通信,直到用户登录 OneDrive(启用) -或- 在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\...
Set-AppVPublishingServer 會修改 App-V 發行伺服器目前的設定。 Set-AppVClientConfiguration 會修改 App-V 用戶端的目前設定。 Sync-AppVPublishingServer 會 手動起始 App-V 發佈重新整理程式。 此程式也會在發佈伺服器設定期間建立的排程工作中使用。下列各節將詳細說明發佈重新整理程式期間發生的狀況。...
Windows 11 is more powerful than ever. Discover the latest features to help you be productive, creative, and more. Sync your phone and PC With Microsoft Phone Link, you can make calls, reply to texts, and check your phone’s notifications – all from your PC. ...
19. Sync time and date On Windows 11, it’s also important to keep the system with the correct time and date. Otherwise, it could cause security problems, such as trying to sign in to a service or application on the network or internet. ...
Thus, if you want the Windows 11/10 profile migration tools and the Windows 10 OS migration tool, you need to find a more cost-effective one. Transfer computer data and files to another computer: If you're not keen on moving your files and programs manually, finding a trustworthy Windows...