Click “Power & sleep settings” Alternative path: Control Panel > Hardware and Sound > Power Options Open Plan Settings: Locate “Additional power settings” under Related settings Click “Change plan settings” next to your active power plan Note: Your active plan might be “Balanced” or “H...
以太网ms-settings:network-ethernet VPN ms-settings:network-vpn 移动热点 ms-settings:network-mobilehotspot 飞行模式 ms-settings:network-airplanemode 代理ms-settings:network-proxy 拨号ms-settings:network-dialup 个性化ms-settings:personalization 背景ms-settings:personalization-background 个性化颜色 ms-settings:...
In the Put the computer to sleep option, select the time setting to meet your requirement when the power is On battery and Plugged in④. Click [Change advanced power settings]⑤. Check the hard disk turning off time that none will be set to Never⑥. (Set 0 minutes will automatically...
2. Enable Keyboard/Mouse to Wake Up Windows 11 Open Device Manager, and expand the Keyboard and Mice and other pointing devices option...Full steps 3. Fix Windows 11 Won't Wake from Sleep by Adjusting Power Settings Open Control Panel, type power into its search bar, and select the "Edi...
- `ms-settings:powersleep`存储 - `ms-settings:storagesense`- `ms-settings:storagepolicies`- `ms-settings:savelocations`多任务处理 - `ms-settings:multitasking`- `ms-settings:activation`故障排除 - `ms-settings:troubleshoot`恢复 - `ms-settings:recovery`投影 - `ms-settings:project`远...
Fix 4. Disallow Windows 11 to turn off this device to save power Go to the Power Options from Control Panel. Enter the Change Plan Settings and allow Put the Computer to Sleep, to Never. Now, enter the Change Advanced Power Setting to expand Hard Disk and Sleep. Allow Turn off har...
"AX201 bluetooth drain power when sleep in Windows 11","id":"message:3923574","revisionNum":1,"repliesCount":21,"author":{"__ref":"User:user:2023080"},"depth":0,"hasGivenKudo":false,"board":{"__ref":"Forum:board:Windows11"},"conversation":{"__ref":"Conversation:conversat...
电源和睡眠ms-settings:powersleep 存在感测ms-settings:presence(已在适用于 Windows 11 版本 22H2 内部版本 22624 的 5 月 Moment 更新中添加) 存储ms-settings:storagesense 存储感知ms-settings:storagepolicies 有关存储的建议ms-settings:storagerecommendations ...
Not configured (default) allows users to change power and sleep settings. Devices: Block prevents access to the Devices area of the Settings app on the device. When set to Not configured (default), Intune doesn't change or update this setting. Network Internet: Block prevents access to the...
Power & sleepms-settings:powersleep Presence sensingms-settings:presence (Added in May Moment update for Windows 11, Version 22H2, Build 22624) Storagems-settings:storagesense Storage Sensems-settings:storagepolicies Storage recommendationsms-settings:storagerecommendations ...