My windows 11 background isn't changing the actual desktop background in real time but it is changing in the small version in the background settings in the settings app and when I lock my laptop and re-sign in. I have tried the power options settings…
Windows 11 is a great operating system, but not everyone has to like how it looks out of the box. Here's how you can change
2025 年 10 月 14 日之后,Microsoft 将不再为 Windows 10 提供来自 Windows 更新的软件更新、技术协助或安全修补程序。 你的电脑仍可正常工作,但我们建议迁移到 Windows 11。 了解详细信息 更改桌面背景是一种简单而有效的方法,可以个性化你的 Windows 设备,使其感觉更像你自己的设备。 无论你喜欢宁静的风景、喜...
This tutorial will show you how to enable or disable let apps run in the background for your account or all users in Windows 11. In Windows 11, you can use apps that can continue to perform actions even when you are not actively in the app’s window. These are commonly called backgro...
Corrupted Windows update files: Your Windows 11 update process may get stuck if some of the system files you're downloading get corrupted. File corruption mostly happens due to a poor internet connection. Software conflicts: Some applications running in the background may prevent Windows 11 from ...
Windows Studio Effectsthe automatic framing, background blur (standard and portrait), eye contact: standard, and voice focus features in Windows Studio Effects will run on a Windows 11 device that includes a processor or SoC that incorporates Neural Processing Units (NPUs) with 10+ trillion opera...
According toone tweet, Windows 11 will come with a new Sticker Editor app that allows you to add stickers to your desktop background, and those stickers will persist even if you change backgrounds. However, the feature won't work if your background is a slideshow or if you have multiple ...
例如,通过预览版中新增的适用于 iOS 系统的手机连接(Phone Link)* 功能,您可以直接将您的 iPhone 连接到 Windows 11 PC 上。此外,我们还带来了优化的触控体验、全屏小组件(full screen widgets)以及 Windows 365 应用的快速访问功能。Windows 11 还包含了人工智能驱动的“开始”菜单,并持续更新以打造更简单易用和...
正在使用 Windows 11 22H2 版本的用户可以打开 Windows 更新设置(设置——Windows 更新),选择“检查更新”,以完成升级***。我们预计在 2023 年 3 月发布的《月度安全更新报告》中提供完整的全新功能(商业客户可以点击此处了解更多信息)。 我们对这次更新感到十分兴奋,相信现在是您体验 Windows PC 魅力的好时机。如...
代表整個團隊,我非常高興宣布推出Windows 11的更新,這是自發布以來最重要的更新之一。在這個版本中,我們致力運用AI的強大功能,使PC成為連結和發現的最佳場域。微軟將新版Bing帶到了工作列中、帶來iOS的Phone Link預覽版,並提供一系列新體驗,使日常生活更加輕鬆。