7. 完成后,输入 exit 并退出命令提示符。8. 重新启动计算机并使用新密码登录。方法二:使用密码恢复工具重置密码1. 在计算机上下载密码恢复工具,例如 Windows Password Reset Tool、Active@Password Changer 等。2. 打开密码恢复工具并选择需要重设密码的 Windows 11 用户账户。3. 根据工具的提示,设置新密码并确认...
You can also reset your Windows 11 password using a third-party tool like iSumsoft USB Windows Password Refixer. iSumsoft USB Windows Refixer can automatically remove or reset administrator, lost user, and forgotten passwords without data loss, regardless of the Windows version. More importantly, y...
在开始恢复出厂设置之前,还请您先仔细想想电脑上还有没有存储得有重要的数据,为避免其被清除,我们还是比较建议您提前备份一下,详情可以参考这篇不进入系统备份文件教程。 如果没有什么重要文件需要备份的话,那就好办了,咱们直接开冲。 #1. 通过登录屏幕界面恢复出厂设置 想要恢复出厂设置不知道密码怎么办?其实是有办...
If you are using a Microsoft Account to sign in to Windows 11/10 or 8/8.1, and you can't, because of a forgotten password, you have the following options: Option 1:Go toMicrosoft's Reset Password Pageand follow the on-screen prompts to reset you password. After resetting the password ...
Part 1. How to Reset Windows 10 Password Using Command Prompt In order to reset password for Windows 10 with Command prompt, you can only reset User/Local account password. Administrator password can't be restored this way. You can launch the Command prompt through the Start menu/Apps screen...
imyPass Windows Password Reset 1.0.12 一款世界一流的 Windows 密码重置工具,用于在 Windows 11/10/8.1/8/7/XP/Vista 上重置 Windows 管理员和标准用户帐户密码,且不会丢失数据。除了重置密码外,它还能够通过 CD/DVD 或 USB 驱动器创建新帐户。100% 有效。
Here's how you can reset your Microsoft account password if linked to your Windows 11 account: Steps to reset your Microsoft account password: Go to the Microsoft password reset page: Open a browser and go to the Microsoft password reset page:https://account.live.com/...
Reset Microsoft Account Password Click this linkto go to the Microsoft password reset page. Enter yourMicrosoft account①, such as email, phone, or Skype name, and click[Next]②. For your protection, Microsoft must verify your identity before you can proceed with resetting your password. ...
Windows 11Windows 10 如果您想要變更或重設用來登入 Windows 的密碼,您有不同的選項。 本文概述不論您是使用Microsoft帳戶或本機帳戶登入或登入畫面,您都可以採取的不同方法。 如果您改用 PIN,請參閱變更或重設 PIN 碼。 重要:Microsoft帳戶、Windows 作業系統及其他Microsoft產品都包含密碼以協助保護您的資訊。 本...
Look, it shows all the accounts in my computer, then just select one user you want to reset. You can reset Windows 11 password with a bootable USB. Step 1: Use the Media Creation Tool from Microsoft to create a bootable Windows 11 USB drive. ...