appPingEventPackageCacheResult 指示系统中是否存在要更新或安装的现有包。 1 表示预期密钥下有一个缓存命中,2 表示其他密钥下有一个缓存命中,0 表示缓存未命中。 -1 表示该字段不适用。 appPingEventSequenceId 识一个 requestId 中的特定事件的唯一 ID。 由于请求可能包含多个 ping 事件,因此,若要唯一标识...
A package cache is the global folder location used by applications to store files for installed software. These source files are needed when you want to update, uninstall, or repair the installed software. Visual Studio is one such application that stores a large portion of its data in the ...
select vdisk file="E:\VHD\Cache.vhd" attach vdisk create partition primary 格式化分区,卷名Package Cache,盘符P format fs=ntfs label="Package Cache" quick assign letter=P exit 拷贝Package Cache到刚创建的虚拟磁盘P中 robocopy "%ProgramData%\Package Cache" P:\ /e /copyall /move /zb ...等待....
select vdisk file="E:\VHD\Cache.vhd" attach vdisk create partition primary 格式化分区,卷名Package Cache,盘符P format fs=ntfs label="Package Cache" quick assign letter=P exit 拷贝Package Cache到刚创建的虚拟磁盘P中 robocopy "%ProgramData%\Package Cache" P:\ /e /copyall /move /zb ...等待....
1. Windows 10/11 rust官网下载windows版本的安装文件 ,点开exe,根据提示一路默认安装即可。 克隆gyroflow工程到本地工程目录下git clone 进入gyroflow工程的ext目录下:cd gyroflow/ext,注意安装依赖。 下载QT6.4.1 :更新pip到最新,安装aqtinstall工具,借助其...
Use Dism /Add-Package to add packages to your mounted WinPE image. The ADK has WinPE Optional Components you can add for additional WinPE functionality. Some packages have dependencies and require other packages to be installed. For these packages, you'll have to install the dependencie...
本文讨论如何还原缺少的 Windows Installer 缓存文件。 原始KB 数:2667628 总结 Windows Installer 缓存用于存储使用 Windows Installer 安装的应用程序的重要文件。 默认情况下,此缓存位于 c:\windows\installer 文件夹中,不应将其删除。 如果安装程序缓存遭到入侵,在采取卸载、修复或更新产品等操作之前,可能不会立即看到...
Hello Windows Insiders, today we’re releasing Windows 11 Build 22000.282 to Windows Insiders in the Beta and Release Preview Channels. This update includes the following improvements: We fixed an L3 caching issue that might affect performance in some applications on devices that hav...
0x80244015WU_E_PT_REFRESH_CACHE_REQUIRED服务器的回复表明服务器已发生更改或者 Cookie 无效;请刷新内部缓存的状态并重试。 0x80244016WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_BAD_REQUEST与 HTTP 状态 400 相同 - 由于语法无效,服务器无法处理请求。 0x80244017WU_E_PT_HTTP_STATUS_DENIED与 HTTP 状态 401 相同 - 请求的资源...
Windows 11 Build 26100 Search Windows WinRT Namespaces Windows.AI.MachineLearning Windows.AI.MachineLearning.Preview Windows.ApplicationModel Windows.ApplicationModel.Activation Windows.ApplicationModel.AppExtensions Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments Windows.ApplicationModel.Appointments.AppointmentsProvider Windows...